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词汇 往常
例句 You're blinder than you used to be.你现在比往常更鲁莽了。The postman is behind his usual time today.邮递员今天比往常来得晚。Over the last few years, our apple trees have been fruiting much earlier than usual.近几年来,我们的苹果树结果要比往常早很多。He brought the jeep to its usual crash-halt in the parking space.他像往常那样在停车场把吉普车一下子煞住。The city has received only half its average rainfall of four inches.本市目前的降雨只有往常四英寸平均雨量的一半。She arrived at the office ten minutes behind her usual time.她到办公室时比往常晚了十分钟。The gathering storm had made the day even darker than was usual at this hour.密布的阴云使天空比往常这个时候更加阴暗了。"Who was there?" "Oh, the usual crowd."“那儿都有谁?”“噢,还是往常那伙人。”Last winter's snowfall was heavier than usual.去年冬季的降雪量比往常大。These bicycles have been rushed out and are not up to our usual standard.这些自行车是匆匆赶制出来的,质量不如往常Usually he would have found tonight his element.要是往常,他准会觉得今夜很对劲。More electors than usual cast their ballot on the basis of local and not national factors.往常相比,更多的选民基于当地而非全国的各种因素投了票。If we hadn't seen the TV programme, we would have carried on giving money to the charity in the ordinary way.要是我们没有看这个电视节目,我们还会像往常那样给该慈善组织捐钱的。Carlo turned up without any money, as per usual.卡洛出现时又像往常那样身无分文了。She's not her customary cheerful self today.她今天不像往常那样乐呵呵的。The usual crowd was there.往常那帮人又在那儿了。How come he hasn't been able to be as good this year?.为什么他今年表现不及往常呢?The normally tranquil town awoke to the sound of gunfire.枪声惊醒了往常宁静的小镇。I went to bed later than usual.我比往常更晚上床。The pupils spoke in low tones and there was none of the usual horsing around.学生们说话轻声轻气的,再不像往常那样起哄吵闹。Usually there were voices to be heard coming from the living room, but tonight there was not a sound.往常都能听到客厅里有人说话的声音,但是今晚却悄无声息。The usual mob was/were hanging out at the bar.酒吧里闲混的还是往常那伙人。The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing.动荡的局势给往常举国欢庆的日子蒙上了阴影。




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