例句 |
Sodium chloride forms polar crystals.氯化钠形成极性晶体。The scientific name for common salt is sodium chloride.食盐的学名是氯化钠。Potassium nitrate and potassium chloride are potassium salts.硝酸钾、氯化钾都是钾盐。We found that this chemical process created hydrogen chloride as a by-product.我们发现这一化学过程产生了一种副产品—氯化氢。The fish or seafood is heavily salted with pure sodium chloride.鱼或海鲜被抹了厚厚的纯盐腌制起来。Sodium chloride is the chemical name for common salt.氯化钠是食盐的化学名称。Sodium chloride is more commonly known as salt.氯化钠通常都称为盐。 |