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例句 We were instantly attracted to each other.我们一下子就被彼此吸引住了。The belligerents were due, once again, to try to settle their differences.预计交战双方要再一次试图解决彼此的分歧了。They were totally devoted to each other.他们完全忠诚于彼此Some species may nest in close proximity to each other.一些鸟类会彼此紧挨着营巢。They are in an intimate and committed relationship.他们俩相亲相爱,彼此忠诚。The two men carefully avoided one another.这两名男子小心地躲着彼此The arrangement was mutually beneficial.这种安排对彼此都有利。The teacher was trying to help the students understand the words and relate them to each other.老师正试图帮助学生理解这些词语,并将它们彼此联系起来。Her two daughters are nothing like each other.她的两个女儿彼此一点也不像。There was a lot of antipathy between the two doctors.两位医生彼此很反感。What struck me was how at ease they seemed to be with each other.令我印象深刻的是,他们似乎彼此相处很融洽。We've always felt very close to each other.我们一直觉得彼此非常亲近。Tomorrow we shall part and, I fear, never see each other again.明天,我们就将分离,我担心从此我们将再也见不到彼此They took an instant liking to each other.他们彼此立刻产生了好感。Rural communities are widely separated and often small.乡村村落彼此离得很远,而且通常规模很小。They are crazy about each other. 他们彼此迷恋。The employers and workers have not reached an agreement yet, but they understand one another.雇主和工人之间尚未达成协议,但他们彼此了解对方的观点。They loved each other but there was no question of marriage.他们彼此相爱,但结婚是决不可能的。We were both very tender and passionate towards one another.我们对彼此都非常温柔并充满激情。Sounds like there's not a lot of love lost between the two of you.听起来你们俩彼此很厌恶。They showed great devotion to each other.他们彼此显示出了极大的忠诚。The devotion they felt for each other was obvious.很明显他们彼此深爱着对方。They shook hands and exchanged courtesies before beginning their discussion.讨论开始前,他们彼此握手并互致问候。They stood bellowing at each other.他们站在那里对着彼此咆哮。Trust between two people is a two-way street. 两个人之间的信任需要彼此共同努力。It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking hands and slapping each other on the back.见到两个宿敌握手言欢,拍着彼此的背部,真是一幅奇怪的场景。They grew to love each other, almost despite themselves.他们几乎不由自主地对彼此渐生爱慕。He and Reagan struck all the right sparks off each other.他和里根彼此很投机,碰撞出有趣的火花。It looks as though the contractors and the aldermen are just so, and fully understand each other.看来承包商和高级市政官员关系密切,彼此都十分谅解。We love each other. We want to spend our lives together.我们彼此相爱。我们希望共度一生。A troop of children rushed in and chased each other noisily.一群小孩冲进来,喧闹地彼此追逐。We bear/feel/harbor/have/hold no ill will toward each other.我们彼此不抱有敌意。They gazed dewily into each other's eyes.他们纯真地彼此凝视。They are in love and wish to marry.他们彼此相爱并希望结婚。Two independent studies have been carried out.两项彼此独立的研究已在进行中。They often gossip with each other about their neighbors.他们常常彼此说自己邻居的闲话。It is very moving to see how much strangers can care for each other.看到陌生人之间这般彼此关照,实在令人感动。They got off on the wrong foot when they first met and they've disliked each other ever since.他们第一次见面就把关系搞糟了,自那以后就彼此厌恶。He argues that people in a community have certain obligations to each other.他争辩说一个社区里的人们对彼此都有一定的义务。They decided that they were wrong for each other and broke up.他们认为彼此不合适,便分了手。




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