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词汇 彼得
例句 Peter marked his name on the first page.彼得在第一页上写下他的名字。Peter was engaged in an animated conversation at the bar.彼得在酒吧里和别人正谈得起劲。We don't see much of dear old Peter O'Toole on the silver screen these days.最近我们不常见到亲爱的彼得·奥图尔活跃在银幕上了。Peter started looking through the mail as soon as the door shut.彼得一关上门就开始逐一查看邮件。Peter shoved his way through the dense crowd in search of his son.彼得在拥挤的人群中连推带挤地寻找他的儿子。It was three months before my parents found out I'd been going out with Peter.父母三个月之后才发现我在和彼得约会。When I came back to the hotel Laura and Peter were shouting and bawling at each other.我回到旅馆的时候,劳拉和彼得正互相叫嚷着。Peter still isn't well enough to see anyone.彼得身体仍不太好,不能接受任何人的探望。Peter found the potato peeler in a drawer full of utensils.彼得在一个放满了厨房用具的抽屉里找到了马铃薯削皮器。Peter took out his wallet and showed his ID to the man.彼得掏出钱包向那人出示他的身份证件。Peter had built the overhead ladders, and the next day he fitted them to the wall.彼得已经搭好了攀爬横梯,第二天便把它们安在了墙上。Never mind what Jalal says, Peter is a trusted member of our community.不要管嘉莱尔说什么,彼得是我们社区的忠实成员。Peter's jacket gaped at the seams.彼得的夹克衫开了线,裂了一个口子。Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.彼得·福雷是自然历史博物馆鱼类化石展厅的负责人。Carolyn's marriage to Pete cost her dear.彼得的婚姻使卡罗琳痛苦不堪。You didn't leave any for me? Thanks a lot, Peter!你一点都没给我留?真是非常感谢,彼得Peter can go to hell. It's my money and I'll leave it to who I want.彼得见鬼去吧。这是我的钱,我会留给我想给的人。Hope surged in Peter.希望在彼得心里涌动。Peter headed in an easterly direction.彼得往东边去了。Depressed, Peter tried to drown himself.彼得忧愁抑郁,想投河自尽。Peter's Fish Market will scale, clean and fillet fish.彼得鱼市负责给鱼刮鳞、洗净、去骨。Peter seems serious but he actually has a good sense of humour.彼得看似不苟言笑,其实他很有幽默感。I went off Peter when he said those dreadful things about Clare.我不再喜欢彼得了,因为他说了克莱尔那些坏话。Peter didn't really shine at school.彼得在学校里表现并不突出。Kate turned to beckon Peter across from the car, but Bill waved him back, meanwhile pushing Kate inside.凯特转身向彼得示意从车那边过来,但比尔却挥手让他回去,同时把凯特推进车内。To use the vernacular of the period, Peter was square.用当时的土话讲,彼得是个老古板。Peter injured his hand in a training accident.在一次培训事故中,彼得伤了手。To his neighbours, Peter appeared perfectly sane.彼得在邻居眼里很正常。It was a strange situation with Washington, Pretoria and Peking fighting side by side.彼得、汤姆和约翰并肩作战,这真是个奇怪的局面。Peter wrote the words of the sentence out of order.彼得把句中的词序写颠倒了。James was having a long discussion with Peter, but I don't know what it was about.詹姆斯和彼得谈论了很久,可是我不知道他们谈的是什么。Peter appeared to strike out at James as the two wrestled to the ground.两人扭打摔倒在地,彼得似乎在狠揍詹姆斯。Peter waved them back to their seats.彼得挥挥手让他们坐回自己的位子。James is the senior partner in the firm, but it is Peter who is the driving force.詹姆斯是公司的主要合伙人,但公司最大的推动力来自彼得He snipped a length of new bandage and placed it around Peter's chest.他剪下一段新绷带,缠在了彼得的胸口。Peter looked at her narrowly to see if she was lying.彼得仔细地打量着她,看她是否在撒谎。Peter brushed aside worries about his injured knee.彼得顾不上担心自己受伤的膝盖。Even in such illustrious company, Peter was the star of the show.即便是在这样一家大名鼎鼎的公司,彼得也是杰出人物。Peter's comments were responsible for her ill temper.彼得的话让她心情不好。Peter Jackson's latest book "Africa" is part travelogue, part memoir.彼得‧杰克逊的新书《非洲》既是游记又是回忆录。




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