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词汇 影子
例句 The candles on the table threw huge flickering shadows against the wall.桌子上的蜡烛在墙上投下巨大而跳动的影子Shadows were flickering upon the studio floor.影子在摄影室的地板上摇曳。Ghostly shapes loomed out of the fog and then disappeared again.大雾中隐隐约约现出许多幽灵般的影子,接着又踪迹全无。She gazed at his reflection in the lake, listening to his words.她凝视着他倒映在湖中的影子,一面听他讲话。Shadows flickered on the wall.影子在墙上闪动不定。She won't stay alone in her house at night; she is afraid of her own shadow.她晚上不肯单独呆在家里,她连自己的影子都害怕。The trees threw long, dark shadows across the cornfield.树木在玉米地里投下长长的影子The tree threw a shadow across the lawn.这棵树在草坪上投下一道影子As afternoon drew on and the shadows lengthened, her fears increased.午后的时间逐渐流逝,影子越拉越长,她的恐惧也随着增加了。Lunar eclipse occurs when the earth's shadow falls on the moon.地球的影子落在月球上时,就发生月蚀。You can see your own shadow on a sunny day.在阳光灿烂的日子里你可以看到自己的影子The room was filled with dusky shadows.房间里到处都是朦胧的影子I saw other indistinct shapes that stayed out of vision.我看见另有一些模糊的影子晃了一下就不见了。She seemed somehow insubstantial - a shadow of a woman.她好像并不真实存在似的——一个影子般的女人。The aircraft was fumigated and searched but no cockroaches were found.这架飞机经过了熏蒸和搜查,但是并没有发现任何蟑螂的影子She set up phantom companies run by her relations.她成立了几家由其亲属管理的影子公司。The light from my candle threw his elongated shadow on the walls.我的烛光将他拉长的影子投射在墙上。All he could see was his shadow.他只能看到他的影子But still his grandfather behaved as if he were nothing more substantial than a phantom.但他祖父的行动依旧像影子那样捉摸不定。I used to follow him like a shadow.我过去总是像影子似地跟着他。A figure entering at the door threw a shadow on Madame Defarge.门口走进一个人,影子投在了德法奇太太身上。The dogs are always trying to chase their own shadows.狗老是会追逐自己的影子The house became just a smudge on the horizon.那幢房子成了地平线上一个模糊的影子The candle cast its elongated shadow across the wall.烛光在墙上投下了拉长了的影子A shadow fell across my book.一道影子落在我的书上。A shadow fell over her work and she looked up to see who was there.一道影子落在她手头的活儿上,她抬起头来看看是谁。Arthur's shadow fell across the doorway.阿瑟的影子投映在门口。She stared at the lifeless form on the driveway.她盯着车道上单调的影子The setting sun cast long shadows across the lawn.夕阳在草地上投下了长长的影子There was no path—no inkling even of a track.没有通道,甚至连有人踩过的小径的影子也没有。The sunlight shining through the branches made a filigree pattern on the tiles.阳光穿过树枝,在瓦片上留下了斑驳的影子The sun shining through the trees cast a pattern of light and shade on the footpath.太阳照过树丛,在小路上投下斑驳的影子Nancy, out of the corner of her eye, saw the shadow that suddenly fell across the doorway.南希从眼角的余光里看见突然有个影子落在门道上。I saw the blur of the car as it passed in front of me.汽车从我面前驶过,我只看到一个模糊的影子The shadows on the floor were long and steeply slanted.地板上的影子长长的,还斜得厉害。A shadow passed across her face.一个影子掠过她的面颊。He moved through the house, as silent and insubstantial as a shadow.他穿过房子,像安静而又虚幻的影子一样。I haven't seen hide nor hair of him for a week.我有一个星期没见到他的影子了。The silhouette of a bird crossed the night sky.一只鸟的影子掠过夜空。The deer gazed at its reflection in the forest pool.鹿凝视著它倒映在森林水池里的影子




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