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词汇 录音室
例句 We've soundproofed our home studio.我们已将家里的录音室作了隔音处理。She had a call from him on Saturday morning at the studio.星期六早上她在录音室接到他打来的电话。The band was/stayed holed up in the recording studio.乐队待在录音室里。He is in his studio composing.他正在录音室里作曲。I looked through the window of a studio to see about a dozen drummers all playing along.我透过录音室窗户看到一群鼓手在一同演奏。He's a session musician, providing studio backing to well-known vocalists.他是位伴奏乐师,给一些著名歌手作录音室伴奏。The band are not just successful recording artists - they are constantly touring and playing live to sell-out crowds.那支乐队不仅是优秀的录音室艺术家一他们经常巡回演出,为满座的观众现场表演。The band has been rehearsing at the studio all day.乐队整天在录音室排练。He works as a sound technician in a recording studio.他在录音室做音效师。Andy shuts himself away in his studio for hours on end when he's recording a song.安迪录歌时会把自己关在录音室达数小时。The band holed up in the recording studio to record their album.乐队待在录音室里录制专辑。




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