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The retired executive consults for several large companies.那位退休的总裁在好几家大公司当顾问。The Prime Minister keeps him on as a consultant.首相继续留用他当顾问。He's changed his job and is now working as a consultant for a German firm.他换了工作,现在给一家德国公司当顾问。He works as a consultant for/to several large corporations.他为几家大公司担当顾问。She works as a consultant for a design company.她在一家设计公司当顾问。The essence of consultation is to listen to, and take account of, the views of those consulted.当顾问的精髓就在于倾听并考虑咨询者的观点。She works for the firm in a consultative capacity.她给这家公司当顾问。He earns a good salary as a consultant.他当顾问薪水很高。 |