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词汇 should be
例句 The press should be free to publish and comment on all aspects of political and social life.新闻界应该有就社会政治生活方方面面进行出版和发表评论的自由。The title should be in bold type.标题应该使用粗体字。You should be able to drive without discomfort after about two weeks.大约两周之后你就可以开车了,不会感到任何不适。More specific and less subjective criteria should be used in selecting people for promotion within the company.公司内部决定升职人选时,需要借助更具体、更客观的标准。The meeting should be winding up soon.会议应该很快就会结束。Healthy food can and should be delicious.健康食品可以也应该是美味的。All religious and political beliefs should be respected equally.对所有宗教和政治信仰应予以同等尊重。Advertising aimed at children should be curbed.针对儿童的广告应受到限制。Investors should be mindful of current political trends.投资者应该留心现在的政治动向。The chops should be cooked over moderate heat to prevent excessive charring.肉块应该用文火烹煮,以免烧过了头。The fact that he hasn't called should be a tip-off that he's not interested.他没有来电话,说明他不感兴趣。Enquiries about the post should be addressed in the first instance to the personnel manager.询问职位事宜应该首先咨询人事经理。You should be more regardful of your father's wishes.你应该更尊重你父亲的意愿。This case should be reviewed in the light of the new evidence.鉴于新证据出现,这个案子应该重新审查。No one should feel compelled to take part. It should be voluntary.谁都不必觉得非参加不可。这项活动应该是自愿的。I am sick of all the quarrelling among politicians who should be concentrating on vital issues.我厌恶政客间的所有那些争吵,他们本应把注意力集中在重大问题上。He believes that all drugs should be legalized.他认为所有毒品都应合法化。You should be kind to dumb animals.你们应该善待不通人言的动物。Both sides were anxious that the agreement should be signed as quickly as possible.双方都急着想尽快签署协议。A scientist should be an exact thinker.科学家应当思维严谨。A home should be comfortable and friendly.家应该让人觉得舒服、亲切。All tenants should be able to to live without fear of harassment.所有房客应该能够不用担心生活受到骚扰。The wax should be applied using a circular motion.应该以绕圈的方式打蜡。It's Lawrence you should be talking to.你应该和劳伦斯谈谈,而不是其他人。As well as practice exercises, students should be encouraged to do more open-ended activities.让学生们进行练习的同时,还应鼓励他们做一些更为自由的活动。Potatoes should be sprouted for eating.土豆的芽必须挖去后才能食用。They performed poorly, but allowances should be made for their inexperience.他们演得不好,但应该体谅他们没有经验。Our chief attention should be focused on economic recovery.我们的主要注意力应集中在经济复苏上。The custard should be smooth and creamy in texture.蛋奶沙司在口感上应该丝滑细腻。For Republicans it is almost an article of faith that this tax should be cut.共和党人几乎是坚定不移地主张削减这项税收。The workers demanded that their wages should be raised.工人们要求提高工资。This kind of wool should be steamed.这种料子应该蒸洗。We discussed where the main emphasis should be placed.我们讨论了主要的重点应放在哪里。People's abilities differ, but their rights and opportunities should be the same.人们的能力各不相同,但他们的权利和机会应该是均等的。They seem to think her crimes should be passed over in silence.他们似乎认为应该对她的罪行保持沉默。The party believes strongly that health care should be provided for everyone.该党坚信应该向每一个人提供医疗保健服务。They believe that abortion should be available on demand.他们认为人工流产应该是本人要求就施行的手术。David Blunkett, speaking for the Labour Party, said more money should be spent on higher education.代表工党发言的戴维·布伦基特说应该在高等教育方面投入更多资金。The killing was cold-blooded, and those who committed this atrocity should be tried and punished.那次谋杀极其残暴,犯下这样暴行的人应该受到审判和惩罚。The contract should be signed, sealed, and delivered by tomorrow.合同应在明天之前签名、盖章、交付。




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