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例句 After a two-week rest I was ready to start running again.休息两周后,我可以重新开始跑步了。After three years of drought, the water in the lake had reached an all-time low.遭受三年干旱后,该湖水位达到历史最低点。After school the children dispersed to their homes.放学后孩子们各自回家去。After all, what more can anyone be than themselves?毕竟,人们除了做自己又能怎样呢?After breakfast, she set about her household duties.早餐后她开始做家务。After the tenth rejection, Gwendolen started to lose heart a little.在第十次被拒绝之后,格温德琳开始有点失去信心了。After conducting preliminary investigations, government lawyers will set out areas of concern.完成初步调查以后,政府律师将对关注领域进行阐述。After years in politics, Gramm seems to be inured to criticism.从政多年,格拉姆似乎对批评习以为常。After heavy rain, the little stream becomes a raging torrent.暴雨过后,小溪变成了汹涌的洪流。After many years of intense study, he received his medical degree.经过多年的刻苦学习,他获得了医学学位。After Jack's body was found, a policewoman had to break the news to his mother.杰克的尸体被找到后,一名女警察只好把这消息告诉他的母亲。After a while, each year began to shade into the next.转眼之间,一年便开始悄然转入下一年。After his lecture the visiting professor invited questions.访问教授作完讲座就请大家提问题。After you wash and seed the peppers you can chop them.辣椒清洗、去籽之后就可以切了。After the drug scandal, his career went down the toilet.经过这次毒品丑闻,他的职业生涯算是毁了。After we left college we all went our separate ways and I never saw those friends again.大学毕业后我们大家都各奔前程,我再也没有见过那些朋友。After driving for so long on the gravel I was glad to get on an even stretch of road.在砾石路上驾驶了那么长时间之后,我很高兴来到了一段平坦的路上。After his discharge from the military, he went to college to become a teacher.从军队退伍后,他去大学做了教师。After two weeks' hiking we'll need a few days to decompress.徒步旅行两个星期后,我们将需要几天来轻松一下。After years of torment, she left her husband.受了多年的折磨后,她离开了丈夫。After a moment's hesitation she lipped her request.她犹豫了一会儿,然后轻声提出请求。After sliding in the opinion polls, the party had to rethink its plan of campaign.在民意调查显示支持率下降后,该党不得不重新考虑竞选计划。After graduation he went abroad.毕业后他去了国外。After graduating, I enlisted in the navy.我毕业后加入了海军。After the war, The House of Hardie came near to bankruptcy.战后,哈迪家族濒于破产。After a week she had regained her appetite.一周后她又有了食欲。After a long rally he backhanded flips to win the point.持续对打之后,他用几下反手抽球得了分。After breakfast the next morning they sat around for an hour discussing political affairs.第二天早饭后,他们闲坐着聊了一个小时政治话题。After his divorce he took to the bottle. 离婚后他开始酗酒。After what had happened he could not continue to work there.鉴于所发生的事情,他不可能继续在那里工作下去了。After their bad results, they are not likely to have a very good opinion of themselves.由于考试成绩差,他们不大可能自视过高。After a three week conditioning program, he was ready to compete.经过为期三周的训练,他已为比赛做好了准备。After a few drinks, she began to expand.几杯酒下肚,她的话便多了起来。After all the trouble she put me to, I didn't feel disposed to help her.她给我带来了这么多的麻烦,我可不愿意再帮她了。After three hours on the road, they finally crossed the state line.上路三小时后,他们终于跨过州界。After 15 years of growth, the country's GNI is now falling.在十五年的增长后,这个国家的国民总收入开始下降。After lunch we went for a leisurely stroll.吃过午饭,我们慢悠悠地散了个步。After such a tough campaign, they're gloating over their victory in the election.激烈的竞选活动结束后,他们为选举的胜利洋洋自得。After weeks of intense fighting, there followed a brief period of calm.几个星期的激战之后,接下来是短暂的平静。After two years of talks, the Russians and the Americans finally reached an agreement.经过两年的会谈,俄罗斯和美国终于达成了协议。




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