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例句 It's easy to pass the buck and blame someone else for your failure.推卸责任,把自己的失败归咎于他人是很容易的。He put her failure to lack of experience.他把她的失败归咎于缺乏经验。The team blamed injuries and lack of preparation for their failure to win.这支球队把他们未能获胜归咎于受伤和准备不充分。The backwardness of education in this area is, in some degree, due to lack of qualified teachers.这个地区教育的落后在某种程度上归咎于师资缺乏。The report overwhelmingly put the blame for his behavior on his mother.报告一边倒地将他的行为归咎于他母亲。She charged off the mistake to inexperience.她把错误归咎于缺乏经验。He blames all his problems on greedy lawyers.他把自身所有问题都归咎于贪婪的律师。He holds me responsible for the project's failure.他将这个项目的失败归咎于我。They blamed an electric short circuit for the fire yesterday.他们把昨天的火灾归咎于电流短路。The star blamed her vanishing act over the past few years on drugs.这位明星把她过去几年的失踪归咎于吸毒。Crime is a complex issue – we can't simply blame poverty and unemployment.犯罪是个复杂的问题,我们不能简单地归咎于贫困和失业。Police were blaming an outlawed leftist group for the bombing.警方将此次爆炸事件归咎于一个被取缔的左翼团体。Blaming her poor grades on the teacher just doesn't wash. 把她的成绩不佳归咎于老师不能让人信服。There you go again, blaming everything on me!你又来那一套了,把一切都归咎于我!The team's poor play is being blamed on the ineptitude of the coaching staff.球队的拙劣表现有人归咎于教练组的无能。They placed the blame squarely on the doctor.他们把责任全然归咎于医生。Those who fail incline to blame the world for their failure.失败的人们总喜欢把原因归咎于这个世界。The hospital blamed the mix-up on a clerical error.医院将混乱归咎于一个笔误。He blames governmental/bureaucratic inertia for the holdup.他把交通阻塞归咎于政府/官僚的不作为。It's impossible to hold any individual responsible.不可能归咎于任何个人。The recent epidemic of car thefts has been blamed on bored teenagers.近来频频发生的汽车被盗事件被归咎于生活苦闷的青少年。They imputed their defeat in the war to the stupidity of the generals.他们把战败归咎于将军们的愚蠢。Hartnell blamed his financial difficulties on the worldwide depression.哈特内尔把自己的经济困难归咎于遍及全世界的经济萧条。Parents are too likely to blame schools for the educational limitations of their children.父母十之八九将子女的教育局限归咎于学校。The author lays the blame/responsibility for the state of the environment squarely on the government. 作者把环境状况直截了当地归咎于政府。He seemed overeager to pin the blame on someone.他似乎急于将责任归咎于别人。He blamed his absence on a minor indisposition.他把自己的缺席归咎于身体小有不适。The accident was blamed on human error. 那次意外归咎于人为失误。The company blamed its disappointing performance on a misguided business plan.这家公司将其令人失望的表现归咎于错误的商业计划。The barrenness of their efforts was due to poor management.他们努力的徒劳无益归咎于管理不善。He blames the bad economy on the government's inflationary policies.他把糟糕的经济状况归咎于政府的通胀政策。She refused to lay the blame for it on any one party.她拒绝将此归咎于任何一方。He blamed me personally for causing the problem.他将问题的起因归咎于我个人。The oversight is not imputable to him.这一疏忽不能归咎于他。He blames his mistakes on inexperience.他将他的错误归咎于缺乏经验。The violence was blamed on thugs exploiting the situation.暴力事件归咎于暴徒利用了这一局面。He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week's devaluation.他将上周的货币贬值归咎于银行家所作的不当评论。She refused to lay the blame on any one party.她拒绝归咎于任何一方。The policy is partly to blame for causing the worst unemployment in Europe.欧洲出现了最严重的失业情况,这应当部分归咎于这项政策。The accident was set down to negligence.事故被归咎于玩忽职守。




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