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词汇 强盗
例句 The robbers were holed up in a deserted warehouse.那些强盗藏身于一座废弃的仓库中。The robbers shot a policeman before making their getaway.这伙强盗在逃走前开枪打了一名警察。The payroll robbery was an inside job.抢劫待发工资一案是内线串通了强盗合伙干的。The trucks are being waylaid by bandits.卡车被强盗拦了下来。The robber leveled a gun at his head.强盗举枪对着他的头。The people live in fear of attack by the bandits.人们在担心强盗袭击的恐惧中度日。The gang of robbers waylaid and robbed travelers.这帮强盗拦路埋伏抢劫旅客。The robber was shot dead and his confederate arrested.强盗被打死,同党被捕获。The robbers got caught with their pants down.强盗们作案时出其不意地被逮个正着。The police brought the robbers to bay in a deep valley.警察把强盗围困在一个深谷里。The bank robbers trussed up the manager and his staff and locked them in the vault.抢银行的强盗把经理和职员们捆了起来锁进金库。She made a stouter resistance than the thief had anticipated.她的抵抗比强盗预料的要强。The robbers trussed him up and locked him in the bathroom.强盗们把他捆起来锁进洗澡间。The bandits divided up the booty.强盗们平分赃物。John wrestled with the robbers.约翰与强盗搏斗。The robbers descended on the village.强盗突然袭击那村子。The robbers escaped with the jewels.强盗带著珠宝逃跑了。Bandits lie in wait to waylay unsuspecting travellers.强盗埋伏起来,拦路抢劫毫无戒备的路人。The robbers made a clean getaway. 强盗们逃得无影无踪。The police grabbed the robbers after a long chase.警方在长期追捕后逮住了那些强盗After holding up the bank, the robbers lay low.强盗在抢劫银行后躲了起来。All the robbers were masked.所有的强盗都戴著面具。The robbers went different ways hoping to throw the police off the scent.强盗四处逃散,想把追捕的警察甩掉。The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveler.强盗埋伏著等待有钱的旅客。His account of how he tackled that robber and saved the money sounds to me rather a tall story.他那番如何对付强盗又如何保住钱款的叙述,在我听来不啻是无稽之谈。The robbers divided up their spoils.强盗们把赃物分了。The robber tied him to a pillar.强盗把他捆在柱子上。The lawyers made out like bandits.这些律师赚钱多得像强盗抢来似的。Those robbers are now flying low somewhere in Europe.那些强盗眼下在欧洲某处隐匿着。The robber left an impression of his feet in the mud.强盗在烂泥里留下了他的脚印。The robber tried to free the case from her grasp.强盗试图从她的手中夺走箱子。He grabs a knife and dives at the robber.他抓起一把刀向强盗冲去。Police are searching for the robbers.警方正在搜捕那些强盗The robbers descended on the lonely house.强盗袭击那间孤零零的房子。They were attacked by bandits in the mountains.他们在山里受到了强盗的袭击。The robbers rammed the gag in her mouth.强盗用力将堵嘴物塞进她口中。The robbers had a stronghold in the mountains.强盗们在山里有一个据点。The robbers fled when they saw the police.强盗看见警察便逃跑了。The robbers divided the swag.强盗们分割了赃物。The robber threatened the cashier with a revolver.强盗用左轮手枪威胁出纳员。




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