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词汇 强烈要求
例句 The director of the charity made an impassioned plea for help.慈善机构的负责人强烈要求援助。We urged that the bill be passed.我们强烈要求通过那议案。He argues strongly for retention of NATO as a guarantee of peace.强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。The group is urging a ban on the chemical. = The group is urging that the chemical be banned.这个组织正在强烈要求禁用此种化学品。Hospital managers are urging the government to spend more on health.医院管理人员强烈要求政府加大对医疗卫生工作的投入。The labourers formed a union to press for higher wages.劳动者强烈要求涨薪并为此成立了工会。MPs have been urging the government to dissociate itself entirely from the war.下院议员已强烈要求政府声明与这场战争完全无关。The tourist trade is screaming for financial support.旅游业强烈要求财政支持。They had pressed for their children to be taught French.他们强烈要求给他们的孩子教法语。I urge you to question his motives.强烈要求你对他的动机提出质疑。We urge vigorous action to be taken immediately.我们强烈要求立即采取有力措施。I tried different approaches - I wheedled, threatened, demanded, cajoled.各种办法我都试过了——连哄带骗、威逼利诱、强烈要求、甜言蜜语。They are making substantial claims for improved working conditions.他们强烈要求改善工作环境。Activists are pressing the banks to attach political conditions to the signing of any new agreement.激进分子强烈要求银行在签署任何新协议前要考虑政治条件。He challenged the president to a series of TV debates. Just the two of them, with no moderator.强烈要求与总统进行一系列电视辩论。就他们俩,没有主持人。I pressed her for more details.强烈要求她说出更多细节。I demand to see a doctor.强烈要求见医生。There have been loud cries for his resignation from various groups.各方团体一直强烈要求他辞职。The crowd screamed for a penalty but the referee rightly ignored them.观众强烈要求罚球,但是裁判作出了公正的决定,对此没有理会。People in the medical profession are pressing for genuine reforms in policy.医学界人士强烈要求在政策上来一次真正的改革。There is a strong demand to reform social abuses.人们强烈要求革除社会弊端。Powerful voices in the Senate are determined to bring down the president.参议院中强烈要求总统下台的呼声很坚决。The citizens urged for the construction of a new hospital.市民们强烈要求建造一个新医院。As the families wept openly, the prosecutor urged the jury to do its duty and convict Ballenger.家属当众哭起来,控方律师强烈要求陪审团尽本分判巴伦杰有罪。




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