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词汇 弹奏
例句 Passersby on the street pitched coins into her open guitar case as she played.当她弹奏时,大街上的路人往她的空吉他盒里扔硬币。Paul played the sonata with great finesse.保罗以丰富的技巧弹奏了这部奏鸣曲。He played the piano with dexterity.他以纯熟的指法弹奏钢琴。He was sitting at the piano, ready to play.他坐在钢琴前,准备弹奏They picked up their guitars and started to play.他们拿起吉他开始弹奏His piano playing has improved vastly since last year.他的钢琴弹奏自去年以来取得了巨大的进步。Although she likes avant-garde music, Lydia also plays classical guitar and piano.尽管莉迪娅喜欢前卫音乐,可她也弹奏古典吉他和钢琴。He played a delightful little tune on the piano.他用钢琴弹奏了一小段美妙的曲子。I can pick out a simple tune on the piano, but that's about it.我能用钢琴弹奏简单的曲调,但仅此而已。The band's lead singer was pounding out a tune on the piano.乐队主唱在钢琴上用力弹奏曲子。The guitar player started strumming softly.吉他弹奏者开始轻轻地弹奏起来。Neil played, by ear, the music he'd heard his older sister practising.尼尔凭着记忆弹奏他曾听姐姐练习时弹的曲子。We heard the twang of an electric guitar coming from the basement.我们听到了从地下室传来的弹奏电吉他的声音。The singer didn't come in on beat, so the pianist started the song over.歌手没有跟上拍子唱,所以钢琴师又从头弹奏这支歌。The orchestra played a few notes and the choir burst into song.管弦乐队弹奏了几个音,合唱团就唱了起来。McCann tootled a tune on the piano.麦卡恩在钢琴上弹奏了一首曲子。He finds some of his son's music very listenable.他发现儿子弹奏的有些乐曲非常好听。How slow would you like me to play?你要我弹奏得多慢? He spent the entire evening at the piano playing requests.他整晚上都呆在钢琴旁弹奏点播的乐曲。She has a natural talent for playing the piano.她有弹奏钢琴的天赋。Left to his own devices, Osborn is a fluent — and often original — guitarist.任其自由发挥时,奥斯本是一个弹奏流畅、常常富有创意的吉他手。He played a couple songs on the piano.他用钢琴弹奏了几首歌。His undemonstrative playing at the piano was a model of restraint.弹奏钢琴时不流露感情,非常内敛。He plays the piano with a delicate touch.他娴熟地弹奏钢琴。He played the song on his keyboard.他用电子琴弹奏了这首歌。She strummed the guitar/banjo.弹奏了吉他/班卓琴。I was greatly impressed by the handiness with which she played the piano.弹奏钢琴如此娴熟,给我留下了深刻印象。He played a short piece on the piano.他用钢琴弹奏了一首短曲。The kids were picking out a tune on the old piano.孩子们在旧钢琴上一个音一个音地弹奏一首乐曲。Neil played, by ear, the music he'd heard his older sister practicing.尼尔凭着记忆弹奏他曾听到姐姐练习时弹的曲子。The pianist's fingers ran effortlessly over the keys.那钢琴家的手指在琴键上轻松自如地弹奏I could hear a guitar playing in the distance.我可以听到远处的吉他弹奏声。She played three solos.弹奏了三首独奏曲。The guitarist played a cracker of a solo.吉他手弹奏了一首动听的独奏曲。His father had played the banjo in pubs around East Ham.他父亲曾在伊斯特汉姆一带的酒吧里弹奏班卓琴。For a long time I just wanted to play country music.有很长一段时间我只想弹奏乡村音乐。The bass guitar tends to play lower than the rest of the band.低音吉他弹奏出的声音往往比乐队其他乐器弹奏的声音低。Dario played the sonata with great finesse.达里奥以高超的技艺弹奏了这支奏鸣曲。He played the difficult piano accompaniment very clean.他娴熟地弹奏高难度的钢琴伴奏部分。She played the whole piece staccato to improve her technique.她以断奏方式弹奏了整首曲子,以提高自己的技巧。




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