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词汇 chilled
例句 The night air chilled my bones.夜间的气候使我寒冷彻骨。The spectators were chilled by the cold wind.观众被寒风吹得全身冰凉。The mixture will seem too wet at this stage, but it will firm up when chilled.在这个阶段混合物看上去会很湿,但冷却后会变硬。The news in her letter chilled my blood.她信里的消息使我恐惧不安。The wildness in her air chilled my blood.她神态里的荒芜使我的血都凉了。The wine is best served chilled.酒最好上冰镇的。The look in his eyes chilled me to the marrow. 他的眼神使我感到非常害怕。The threatening look in his eyes chilled me to the bone. 他凶神恶煞般的眼神把我吓坏了。You will be chilled to the bone without your overcoat.要是不穿大衣你会感到寒气刺骨。What I saw chilled me to the bone.我看到的景象令我不寒而栗。I was chilled to the bone/marrow. 我感到寒气刺骨。My back ached, and I was chilled to the bone.我的背很疼,而且冻得要死。The gelatin is poured into a mold and chilled until firm.骨胶被灌入模具里后冷却,直到变硬。Raw eggs are highly perishable and must be chilled before and after cooking.生鸡蛋极容易变质,生熟都必须冷藏。There was a coldness in her that chilled him.她的冷漠使他不寒而栗。Failure chilled her hopes.失败使她希望破灭。He jerked his head round and saw something that chilled his blood.他猛地转过头去,看到的东西真是让他毛骨悚然。Rain chilled the glittering pageant.雨使华丽的庆典大为逊色。Nervously clutching our glasses of chilled wine, we gathered on the terrace.我们聚集在露台上,手里紧张地握着盛有冰镇葡萄酒的酒杯。Is that champagne properly chilled?那瓶香槟真的冰镇过了吗?You must be chilled to the bone sitting out here!你坐在这外面一定冻透了!He was chilled to the marrow.他是冷到了骨髓。We chilled out in front of the TV with a couple of beers.我们坐在电视机前喝几杯啤酒放松一下。White wine should be slightly chilled.白葡萄酒应稍微冰一下。Turn sparkling wine into Buck's Fizz with the addition of chilled orange juice.在发泡葡萄酒里加冰冻橙汁,做成巴克菲士鸡尾酒。Me, I'm feeling pretty chilled.我嘛,我感觉很轻松。Wade placed his chilled hands on the radiator and warmed them.韦德把冰凉的双手放在暖气片上取暖。The anger in his face chilled her.他脸上的怒气使她感到不寒而栗。When the dough is chilled, break pieces of the dough off with your fingers, and roll into small balls.等生面团冷了,就用手掰下一块块小面团搓成圆球。The border dispute between the two countries chilled their relations for decades.两国之间的边界争端使他们几十年来的关系都很冷淡。Her screams chilled me to the bone/marrow.她的尖叫声让我不寒而栗。An exposed garden may be chilled by cold winds.露天花园容易被冷风吹透。I suddenly felt chilled and had to go indoors.我突然觉得冷,不得不进屋。Come and sit by the fire – you look chilled to the bone.来坐在火边,你看起来都快冻僵了。They looked across at me, chilled by what Mark had said.他们被马克所说的吓坏了,都朝我这边看。The very thought of it chilled me to the marrow.一想到这个我就不寒而栗。Enthusiasm chilled with the news.消息传来,热情顿时低落下来。




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