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例句 Don't worry-it's quite usual to have a few problems at first.别着急,刚开始出现点儿问题十分正常。All sorts of possibilities began to open up.各种各样的可能性开始出现Prosperity began to upspring after the war.战后开始出现繁荣。She began to have/experience labor pains this morning.她今早开始出现/经历产前阵痛。The collar had started to fray on Ed's coat.埃德外套的领子开始出现了磨损。She started getting stomach cramps this morning.她今天早上开始出现胃部绞痛。The cracks are showing in the walls and a lick of paint would not come amiss.墙面开始出现裂缝了,刷一点油漆就能补好。Fine wrinkles started to appear around her eyes.她的眼睛周围开始出现了细纹。After the war, the country began to enjoy greater prosperity.战后该国开始出现更加繁荣的局面。Our marriage began to go wrong after we had our first child.我们在有了第一个孩子之后婚姻开始出现问题。The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took office.现任总统面临着他上任前很多年就已开始出现的种种问题。There has been some movement to more therapeutic treatments.已经开始出现了向医疗疗法的转变。We spent a blissful year together before things started to go wrong.我们在一起度过了非常幸福的一年,然后问题便开始出现了。Large cracks began to develop in the wall.墙上开始出现了一些很大的裂缝。When the company began to lose money, things turned sour between the directors.公司开始出现亏损之后,董事之间的关系开始变坏。He was working so hard that his health began to suffer. 他工作太辛苦,身体开始出现了问题。Our problems started midway through the first year.我们的问题在第一年年中开始出现The problems really started maybe two or three years ago.这些问题可能是两三年以前真正开始出现的。Cracks began to appear in the surface of the earth.地球表面开始出现裂缝。The first crinkles of age were beginning to appear round her eyes.她的眼睛周围开始出现了显示她年龄的细纹。The story took on a life of its own and began to appear on news broadcasts everywhere.这个故事越传越广,开始出现在各地的新闻广播里。He was beginning to show symptoms of sleep deprivation.开始出现失眠的症状。Cracks began to appear in the ceiling.天花板上开始出现裂缝。Niwano's business began to suffer from neglect.尼瓦诺的生意因为疏于管理而开始出现问题。We'd been in the house a month when dark stains started appearing on the wall.墙上开始出现一些深色的斑迹时,我们在这幢房子里已经住了一个月。Her behavior problems began manifesting themselves soon after she left home.她离家后不久行为上就开始出现一些问题。His health problems began when he was in his late thirties. 在他三十八九岁的时候,健康开始出现问题了。Larry began suffering severe headaches and violent mood swings.拉里开始出现严重的头痛和剧烈的情绪波动。The rage and disappointment had disappeared, but the worry in Jim's face was starting to show.愤怒和失望消失了,但是吉姆的脸上开始出现担忧的神情。In the aftermath of the trial, charges of corruption have begun to surface.这场审讯的后果就是对腐败的指控已开始出现As his illness progressed, Neil began to have difficulty speaking.随着病情的发展,尼尔开始出现言语困难。Flowering plants were making their first appearance, but were still a rarity.显花植物开始出现了,但仍然很少。Her eyesight was becoming defective.她的视力开始出现问题。He was dicing with Jones for third place when his car began to struggle.他正和琼斯近距离追逐争夺第三名的位置时,车开始出现问题。Kerry had to drive herself to the hospital when the labor pains began.分娩的阵痛开始出现,克丽不得不自己开车去医院。The machines start to wear down, they don't make as many nuts and bolts as they used to.机器开始出现磨损,螺母和螺钉的产量不如从前了。All sorts of possibilities had begun to open up.各种机遇已经开始出现He began to have trouble with his right knee.他的右膝盖开始出现不适。Equally obtrusive was the graffiti that had started to appear.同样惹眼的还有刚开始出现的涂鸦。Despite his strong constitution, his health was beginning to suffer.他尽管身体很强壮,健康还是开始出现了问题。




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