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词汇 建造
例句 Some of the guns were melted down and used to help build a statue.一些枪炮被回炉后用来建造了一座雕像。The houses are built of timber.这些房子用木料建造The obelisk was built in memory of those who died for their country.这座方尖塔是为了纪念那些为祖国献身的人而建造的。A group of men are erecting a monstrous copper edifice.一群人正在建造一幢铜色的巨型大厦。Plans to build a private hospital have been scuppered after a government inquiry.经过政府调查后,建造一家私人医院的计划泡汤了。They live in a model city, custom-tailored to their needs.他们住在完全按他们的需要建造的模范城里。Immigrants are provided with sites on which to build their own houses.移民可以得到提供的地皮建造自己的房子。The city will appropriate funds for the new airport.该市将拨款建造新机场。The new airport terminal was built with oil money.新的航站楼是用石油资金建造的。The building was constructed in the best traditions of church architecture.这一建筑是依照教堂最杰出的建筑风格建造的。The houses are all built in the traditional style.这些房子都是按照传统风格建造的。The house was built during the Elizabethan period.这座房子是在伊丽莎白时期建造的。He'd already started construction on a hunting lodge.他已经开始建造一个狩猎屋。A few people have spoken in favour of the new car park, but I'm sure the silent majority are against it.少数人说同意建造新停车场,但我敢肯定保持沉默的大多数人是反对的。The construction of new houses declined five percent this year.今年新房屋的建造减少了百分之五。If elected, he promised to build more low-cost housing in the city.如果当选的话,他许诺在城内建造更多廉价房屋。The cabin was built of logs.这小屋是用原木建造的。We're working with a team of architects on the plans for the new building.我们在和一批建筑师一起制定建造新大楼的计划。There has been an increase in new-home building in recent months.近几个月来新屋建造量有所增加。The airport building had been constructed to FAA specifications.机场大楼是按联邦航空局的设计规格建造的。One of the conditions in the contract is that we don't build on the land.合同条款之一是我们不在这片土地上建造房子。This embankment was built for flood control project.建造这个路堤是为了防洪。Building more motorways and bypasses will help the environment by reducing pollution and traffic jams in towns and cities.建造更多的高速公路和绕城道路能够减少城镇中的污染和交通堵塞,有利于改善环境。The hotel is currently under construction.这家旅馆目前正在建造之中。In the example mentioned above, either method of construction could have been used.在上面提到的例子中,可能采用了两种中的任一种建造方法。The costs involved in building a spacecraft are huge.建造一艘宇宙飞船的费用很高。The developer requested a variance to build a shopping center on the east side of town.开发商要求获得特批,在城东建造一座购物中心。Constructing a highway in this area would present enormous difficulties.在这个地区建造一条公路会有很大困难。Plans for a new school were strongly supported by local residents.建造一所新学校的方案得到了当地居民的大力支持。He was hired to oversee design and construction of the new facility.他受雇监管新设施的设计与建造The work on the new school sports centre is coming on very well.学校的新体育中心的建造工作进展非常顺利。A plaque on the building is inscribed with the date of construction.建筑物上的一块匾刻着建造日期。Property values have fallen since the plans for the airport were published.建造机场的计划公布以来,房地产价格已经下跌。Plans for the new shopping mall are yet to be officially approved.新购物中心的建造计划尚未取得正式批准。Our decision to build the museum in Hartlepool was influenced by the fact that there were no national museums in the North East.我们决定在哈特尔浦建造博物馆是受到东北部没有全国性博物馆这个事实的影响。The two companies are partners in a contract to build the new factory.这两家公司订立合同,共同建造一座新的工厂。Reduction in oil trade has plunged construction of tankers to the lowest level in years.石油贸易的缩减使油轮建造遽降至多年以来的最低水平。A petrochemical complex is to be built here.这儿将建造一个石油化学联合企业。Do you know when this house was built?你知道这栋房子是什么时候建造的吗?The ship was in course of construction.船还在建造当中。




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