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词汇 建筑物
例句 The building is grey, formidable, not at all picturesque.那幢建筑物呈灰色,外观吓人,一点都不美。The Children's Palace is a great sprawling structure.少年宫是一座占地广阔的巨大建筑物As dawn broke, the outline of a building became distinct against the sky.天亮时建筑物的轮廓在天空的衬托下显得十分清晰。The uprights of the structure were embedded in concrete.建筑物的支柱牢牢地嵌在混凝土中。There are some very impressive buildings in the town.镇上有一些非常雄伟的建筑物The great cathedral towers over the rest of the main square.大教堂比主广场上的其他建筑物高出许多。What an ugly building!多么难看的建筑物The restrictions he imposed pertained to the type and height of buildings and the activities for which they could be used.他限制的是建筑物的种类和高度以及它们的用途。Grime had crusted the old city buildings.古老的城市建筑物上落了厚厚的一层尘垢。The government has imposed strict controls on new building.政府已经对新建建筑物实施了严格限制。The building is in such a sorry state that it's hardly worth fixing.这栋建筑物损毁严重,几乎不值得修缮了。Only skeletons of buildings remained.只剩下了建筑物的框架。Who designed this building/dress/furniture?是谁设计的这座建筑物/这款裙子/这套家具?Condensation will cause the fabric of the building to rot away.冷凝作用会使建筑物的结构腐烂。The highway and structures thereon are being repaired.公路及相关建筑物正在维修中。This old building has some intriguing possibilities.这幢老建筑物有一些很吸引人的开发潜质。The bullet grazed the corner of the building, just missing my arm.子弹从建筑物的一角擦过,差一点打中我的胳膊。The explosion caused irreparable damage to several buildings.这次爆炸使几幢建筑物损坏得无法修复。The building is very French. 这个建筑物看上去颇具法国风格。Every scrap of land in the town has been built on.城中的每片土地上都有建筑物A cordon of police kept protesters away from the building.警察站成一排将抗议者拦在建筑物外面。The building looks very old.那座建筑物看上去非常古老。There are plenty of fire hoses in the building.这幢建筑物中有许多消防软管。The building was altogether destroyed by the fire.这幢建筑物被烧了个精光。Two of the soldiers swiftly began making a sweep of the premises.两名士兵立即开始搜索该建筑物Many of the original materials were reused in the restoration of the building.有很多原先的材料重新用在了该建筑物的修复之中。There were no buildings in view to suggest the presence of any humans.看不到有任何建筑物,表示没有人迹。The bombing left scars on buildings throughout the village.整个村的建筑物上都留下了轰炸过的斑斑痕迹。We visited the museum, a steel and glass structure.我们参观了博物馆,它是一座钢和玻璃的建筑物Day by day the structure heightened.这座建筑物逐日升高。The building has won several awards for its architectural design.建筑物获得了多项建筑设计奖。Most of the buildings were old and decrepit.这些建筑物大多数又老又破。This splendid if extraordinary erection from the last century is a local landmark.这座上世纪的建筑物尽管有些古怪却很壮观,是当地的一个标志性建筑。Buildings must be placed in proper relationship one to the other, their angles determined geometrically.建筑物的位置必须安排得当,以几何方法来确定它们的角度。It's a miracle that these buildings came through the war undamaged.这些建筑物安然度过这场战争简直是个奇迹。The building was right on the river and the water lapped the walls.建筑物就矗立在水中,河水轻轻拍打着墙壁。The station building was a high wooden structure with a curved roof.车站大楼是一幢高高的木结构建筑物,有着弧形的屋顶。Most buildings sustained only minimal damage in the earthquake.在这次地震中,大多数建筑物受到的破坏都很小。The structure appears to be suspended in space.建筑物看起来像是飘浮在太空中。The building was just a bombed-out shell.这座建筑物被炸得只剩下个壳体。




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