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词汇 废话
例句 Let's put a stop to all this nonsense.我们别再说这些废话了。He's the overbearing loudmouth whose opinions, delivered at deafening volume are all completely and utterly worthless.他总是盛气凌人地高谈阔论,那些扯破嗓子发表的观点全都是废话You might fool the voters with that sort of piffle but it cuts no ice with me.你也许可以用那种废话愚弄选民,但它对我不起作用。The play was nonsense from beginning to end.这部戏剧从头到尾都是废话This is the claptrap that politicians have peddled many times before.这是政客们宣扬过无数次的废话What's all this jazz about you leaving?这些废话跟你离开有什么关系呢?I rarely bother to listen to politicians' speeches - it's all just wind.几乎从不费神去听政治家的演讲——都是废话I personally think this is complete garbage.我个人认为这纯属废话The explanation sounded like so much nonsense. 这个解释听起来简直像是一堆废话What a load of twaddle!那么多废话I find it amazing that anyone should want to listen to such rubbish.我觉得很惊讶,竟然有人想听这种废话His entire speech was nothing but claptrap.他通篇演讲都是废话Enough of this palaver. We have a lot to discuss.别再说废话了,我们还有很多需要讨论的。If you remove the padding from his speech you can see that he offers no new ideas.你如果把他讲话中的废话都剔除的话,就会发现他没提出任何新主张。His response was full of pretentious nonsense.他的回答满是狂妄的废话Don't give me that bunk, I've heard it all before.别跟我讲那种废话,我以前全听见过了。She tried to flannel me, but I knew she was talking nonsense.她想用花言巧语让我上当,但我知道她说的都是废话Most radio stations need less talk and more music.大多数电台需要少一些废话,多一些音乐。We don't believe that twaddle anymore.我们再也不相信那些废话了。He doesn't really believe in all that claptrap.他并不真的相信那些废话All they ever do is gossip: so-and-so said such-and-such, and blah, blah, blah.他们所做的唯一一件事就是说长道短:某某人说了某某事以及诸如此类的废话He writes smug, sanctimonious waffle.他写的满篇都是自鸣得意、道貌岸然的废话I wish we could just discuss these questions without having to go through all the folderol of a formal meeting.我希望我们可以免去正式会议的那些废话,直接讨论这些问题。I've never heard such a load of tripe in all my life.我一辈子还从没听到过这样一堆废话All the rest I said, all that was bullshit.我说的其他那些话统统都是废话He dismissed the allegations as poppycock.他把这些指控当作废话不加考虑。I'm not having any of that nonsense.我不想听那些废话Why are you telling me this shit?你为什么跟我说这废话He talked a lot of garbage on the subject.他就那个话题说了一堆废话I don't want waffle, I want the real figures.我不想听废话,我要真实的数字。If you ask me, what he said is a bunch/load of garbage.要我说,他说的就是一堆废话That rubbish goes in one ear and out the other.那种废话都是左耳进,右耳出。It's perfectly simple and understandable. You needn't dress it up with all this nonsense.事情非常简单易懂,你不必用这些废话去修饰它。It is a tedious, humourless load of crap.那是一堆单调乏味、毫无幽默感的废话You talk a lot of hooey.你说的废话太多。Most of what he says is such garbage that I just tune him out.他讲的全是废话,所以我干脆不去理睬。He described her comments as confused nonsense.他把她的评论称为是让人摸不着头脑的废话You wouldn't believe the hogwash he was spouting at us.你不会相信他滔滔不绝地对我们讲的那些废话You do talk rubbish sometimes, Jules.朱尔斯,你有时是会说些废话Don't believe all that punk.不要相信那些废话




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