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例句 People keep giving me advice about it, saying I should do x, y, and z.人们一直在给我提建议,说我应当做这做那。People should complain when they consider an advert offensive.如果认为广告令人愤怒,就应当投诉。Titles of newspaper articles should be placed/put in quotation marks.报纸文章的标题应当加引号。Wells was supposed to put up half the money, but later backed out.韦尔斯本应当出一半的钱,但后来他食言了。Are you seriously suggesting that she should give up her job in order to look after her husband?你当真建议她应当辞职来照顾她丈夫吗?If you want to discuss a different subject, you should start a new thread.如果你想讨论不同的话题,就应当发个新帖子。It's easy to blame the public for being gullible enough to buy dieting products, but it's the companies who sell them who should take responsibility.批评公众容易上当去买减肥产品简单,但恰恰是出售这些产品的公司应当承担责任。The deal is on the up-and-up and should stand scrutiny in any court of law.这笔交易是光明正大的,应当经得起任何法庭的缜密审查。Pheasants and grouse should be hung until they become high.野鸡和松鸡应当晾挂起来直至略有变质。There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies that should be pursued.应当实行何种政策,舆论达成了广泛一致的意见。Every father should insure his life for the sake of his wife and children.为了替妻子儿女着想,每个做父亲的都应当给自己保人寿险。The cancer is winning and an end has to be contemplated to his life.癌症步步进逼,应当估计到他的生命就要完结了。Government officials clearly deserve some of the blame as well.政府官员显然也应当承担部分责任。Good management should be an instrument for innovation.良好的管理应当是促成创新的手段。If you can't solve the problem, you should try out a different approach.如果你解决不了那个问题,就应当试试其他的方法。They think that we should move over towards a more liberal kind of economy.他们认为我们应当向比较自由的那种经济制度转变。 A clergyman should be a memento of solemnities.教士应当使人联想到庄重。The case should not be allowed to go to court.这个案子法庭不应当受理。This law ought to be tighter: it mustn't give criminals just a slap on the wrist.这项法律应当再严厉些,不应该只是轻轻地惩戒一下罪犯。Sterling should be allowed to float.应当允许英镑浮动。The demolitions should be complete by the end of the year.拆除工作应当在年底完成。Women have to dress modestly, to avoid being harassed by the locals.女士穿着应当庄重,以免受到当地人的骚扰。You must allow others to share your load.应当允许别人来分担你的重担。Children should go easy on candy.小孩应当少吃糖果。You should claim the deduction when you file your tax return.你填写纳税申报单时应当要求扣除。The elderly manager felt that he should move over in favour of a younger man.这位上了年纪的经理觉得他应当让位给较年轻的人。You should try to exercise more.应当想办法多锻炼。He believed that schools should be judged according to strictly academic criteria.他认为应当根据严格的学术标准来评判学校。Commodities susceptible to water damage should be on skids or pallets.易受水损的货物应当用垫木或托盘垫起来。Encourage children to put aside some of their pocket-money to buy Christmas presents.应当鼓励孩子们省下一部分零花钱来买圣诞礼物。It should have prevented rain water warping the door trim.这原本应当能够防止雨水把门的饰边弄翘的。You should weigh your words before you answer that question.你在回答那个问题前应当考虑清楚。Mr Allen must pay Mr Farnham's legal costs.艾伦先生应当支付法纳姆先生的诉讼费。The rhythm should fit with the meaning of a poem.韵律应当符合诗歌的含义。He should be able to read this without the aid of a dictionary.应当能够不用字典就读懂这个。The fruit should be carefully put away in bins.这些水果应当妥善贮藏在水果箱里。You older children are supposed to set a good example to the younger ones.你们这些大孩子应当给小孩子树立好榜样。This should serve as a lesson to you.应当作为你借鉴的榜样。Rather than ostracizing women, we should accept and honour this eternal renewal of the feminine principle.我们不应排斥女性,相反我们应当接受并尊重女权主义原则的这种持续不断的修正与改进。They were recalled to a sense of propriety by the presence of visitors.宾客莅临提醒他们行为应当得体。




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