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词汇 床单
例句 All the hospital beds were covered with coarse cotton sheets.医院里所有的床都铺着粗棉质床单The little boy is learning how to sheet a bed.小男孩正在学怎样铺床单They rigged up a shelter using a sheet and some branches.他们用一条床单和一些树枝临时架起了一个棚子。They were dressed up in old sheets, pretending to be ghosts.他们裹上旧床单装鬼。The sheets and blankets are in the hall closet.床单和毯子都放在大厅的壁橱里。I've put clean sheets on the bed.我已经给床铺上了干净的床单He put his hand on the bed, and left a splotch of blood on the bedspread.他把手搁在床上,床单上留下了一片血迹。His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet.他头上缠满了用床单撕成的绷带。The man knotted some sheets together to climb down to the next floor.这个人将几条床单牢牢系在一起,顺床单爬到了下一层。The doctor wanted the sheet for a shroud.医生想用床单权作裹尸布。Sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths, towels and napkins are linens.床单、枕套、台布、毛巾及餐巾都是亚麻织品。Strip the beds and wash the sheets.床单撤下来洗洗。Her naked body was found wrapped in a sheet in a field.人们发现她赤裸的尸体裹着一张床单被丢弃在田地里。How often do you change your bed?你隔多少时间换一次床单?She stripped the sheets from the bed.她把床单从床上撤了下来。We washed and dried all the sheets.我们把所有的床单都洗过并甩干了。The crumpled sheets betrayed the fact that someone had been sleeping there.皱巴巴的床单说明有人在这里睡过。I like to hang the sheets out to dry. It gives them a fresh smell.我喜欢把床单挂出去晒干,这样床单会有一种清新气味。She lay there in the narrow bed, her chin resting on the fold of the sheet.她在那张小床上躺着,下巴搭在床单的褶上。He stripped off the bedclothes.他把床单撤了。Pull the bed sheets tight then fold the ends under.床单绷紧,然后把两端折到下面。Holly secured her bed sheet onto the washing line with a peg.霍利用衣夹把床单固定在晾衣绳上。This protects the sheets when the baby dribbles.这可以防止婴儿流口水时把床单弄脏。We could see from the rumpled sheets that the bed had been slept in.我们从被弄绉的床单可以看出有人在这床上睡过了。The sheets fell on the gritty floor, and she just let them lie.床单掉到满是沙砾的地板上,她都没去捡。The bed linen is patterned in stylish checks, stripes, diagonals and triangles.床单有漂亮的方格形、条纹、斜纹和三角形图案。I didn't bother to change all the sheets.我没有费事去把所有的床单都换掉。The sheet was ancient and full of holes.床单很旧,上面全是一个个洞。Old sheets can always be recycled for children's costumes.床单常常可以再用来做孩子的衣服。The sheets were aired on the line.床单都晾在绳上。Cotton sheets are cool and smooth to the touch.绵质床单摸上去又凉又滑。I'll launder your sheets for you.我会为你洗熨床单These sheets are showing signs of wear.这些床单已经有明显的磨损迹象了。We're a bit low on bed linen. You'll have to make do.我们的床单有些次,您将就着用吧。The pillow cover can match up with the sheets.这条枕巾可以和床单配上。She saw a lump under the bedclothes.她看到床单下面有一个隆起的地方。After changing the bed, I would fall asleep quickly.换了床单后我会很快入睡。The sheets are cream-colored.这些床单是米色的。We had to change the sheets daily, which always seemed to me to be a pointless exercise.我们得每天换床单,我一直认为这是没有意义的。My mother changes the sheets every week.我妈妈每周换床单




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