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词汇 广告宣传
例句 The company got into a lot of trouble over its last advertising campaign.该公司在上次的广告宣传活动中惹了许多麻烦。The advertisement is for a male fragrance.这则广告宣传的是一款男士香水。The advertising campaign generated massive sales.广告宣传创造了巨大的销量。Television and radio refused to carry advertisements for the album.电视和广播都拒绝为该专辑做广告宣传The Government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.政府已发起一系列广告宣传攻势鼓励民众参加选举。Weeks of ballyhoo preceded the play's first night.此剧首演之前进行了好几星期哗众取宠的广告宣传The ad campaign actually had a negative impact on sales.这场广告宣传攻势实际上对销售产生了负面影响。The new perfume was launched amidst a fanfare of publicity.这种新香水在一阵大张旗鼓的广告宣传下推出市场。They gave their advertising a total makeover to improve their corporate image.为改善公司形象,他们在广告宣传方面做了全面改进。The promotion of a big release can inflate a film's final cost.大规模发行所需的广告宣传会增加一部电影的最终成本。The blurb on the back of the book was full of the usual hyperbole - "enthralling", "fascinating", and so on.这本书封底的广告宣传里满是那些司空见惯的夸张词语:“引人入胜”、“令人着迷”等等。Replies to the advertisement are arriving in fits and starts.广告宣传的回应零零星星地来了。Many felt that the money spent amounted to overkill, and that a cheaper, less glossy advertising campaign would have been just as effective.许多人觉得这么高的花费太过分了,花钱少一点的、不那么浮华的广告宣传会同样有效。This car is advertised as the poor man's Rolls Royce.这种车被广告宣传成穷人的劳斯莱斯。The idea for the new advertising campaign came to me while I was visiting Thailand.我在泰国时忽然想到开展新的广告宣传活动的主意。The publicity has been good for business.广告宣传对生意很有帮助。The advertisement campaign is designed to make this new product a household word in every Chinese home.这次广告宣传的目的就是要使这一新产品在中国家喻户晓。Publicity is being handled by an outside agency.广告宣传将由外面的一家代理公司负责。Consumers are becoming more suspicious of advertising claims about products that they buy.顾客对他们所购买的产品的广告宣传越来越怀疑。The drug has been pitched as a treatment for many ailments.广告宣传这种药能治许多小病。The publicity catapulted her CD to the top of the charts.广告宣传使她的唱片迅速上升到排行榜首位。They are advertising the new edition of the book.他们在为这本书的新版做广告宣传The company has spent over £50 million on its latest advertising campaign.这家公司在最近的广告宣传活动中花费了五千多万英镑。The brand name has become well known in Britain through clever advertising.该商标名经过巧妙的广告宣传在英国已变得家喻户晓。People think if kids are aware of a particular brand or ad campaign, they'll buy the product, but that's not the case.人们以为小孩子知道某一品牌或广告宣传就会购买那种产品,但事实并非如此。In any advertising campaign, you must accent the areas where your product is better than the competition.广告宣传中,必须突出你的产品优于竞争对手的方面。Advertising has played a big part in the restaurant's success.广告宣传对该饭店的兴旺起了很大的作用。The product's success cannot be attributable solely to the ads.该产品的成功不能只归因于广告宣传All the necessary groundwork for the advertising campaign has already been done.广告宣传所有必需的前期工作都已完成。Weary of her rival's accusations, the candidate bit back with an aggressive ad campaign.厌烦了对手的指责,这个候选人以颇具攻击性的广告宣传活动进行了反击。Both the newspaper and the advertising agency have a vested interest in encouraging advertising.报纸和广告公司在鼓励广告宣传方面都有着既得利益。The advertising campaign will try to hammer home the message that excessive drinking is a health risk.这次广告宣传将使大家清楚地了解过量饮酒有害健康。The advertisement blazoned the merits of the new products.广告宣传各种新产品的种种优点。The vacation was advertised as a week in paradise.这次度假被广告宣传成在天堂的一周。It turned out to be exactly as advertised.结果和广告宣传完全相符。The ad campaign is intended to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy diet.广告宣传旨在增强人们对健康饮食重要性的认识。The company has blitzed the country with advertising.公司用闪电式的广告宣传打进这个国家的市场。The show's organizers spent over $500,000 on publicity alone.这次节目的主办方单广告宣传就花了五十多万美元。My products aren't based on advertising hype, they sell by word of mouth.我的产品销售靠的不是天花乱坠的广告宣传,而是良好的口碑。I feel that this advertising campaign is on completely the wrong tack.我觉得这广告宣传活动的方向完全不对。




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