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After six weeks, the larva emerges as a fully-grown beetle.六周以后,幼虫长成了一只发育成熟的甲虫。Caterpillars go through several stages of growth.蛾的幼虫要经历好几个生长阶段。The larvae burrow into cracks in the floor.幼虫钻进了地板的缝隙里。The larvae prey upon small aphids.这种幼虫以小蚜虫为食。When the eggs hatch, the larvae eat the living flesh of the animal host.卵孵化后,幼虫吃动物寄主身上的肉。The larvae burrow into cracks in the floor.幼虫会钻进地板缝里。The eggs quickly hatch into larvae.卵很快孵化为幼虫。The eggs quickly hatch into larvae.虫卵很快孵化成幼虫。The earthbound larvae from which they develop are less pretty, but just as predatory.幼虫生活在地面上,不像成虫后那么美丽,但是同样会捕食。Mosquito larvae are hatching in the pond.蚊子的幼虫正在池塘里孵化。The larvae feed on the young shoots of water-lilies.幼虫吃睡莲的新芽。The larvae hatch and make their way underground.幼虫孵出后钻入地下。A grub looks like a short, fat worm.昆虫的幼虫看上去像一条又短又粗的软虫子。Some insect larvae are root feeders.有些昆虫的幼虫以植物的根为食。Because of the immunity of the immature insects, it's important to spray regularly.由于幼虫对药物有免疫力,因此必须经常喷药。When the eggs hatch the larvae eat the living flesh of the host animal.当卵孵化后,幼虫取食寄主的鲜肉。The larva of a butterfly is called a caterpillar.蝴蝶的幼虫被称为毛毛虫。The larvae may be excreted in the faeces.幼虫会随粪便排出。The lack of a shell leaves the larvae unprotected against predators.没有外壳保护使这些幼虫不能抵御天敌的捕食。 |