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词汇 并不一定
例句 The single lifestyle does not necessarily mean disengagement from family life.这种单身生活方式并不一定意味着对家庭生活漠不关心。A degree does not automatically guarantee you a job.获得学位并不一定能保证你能找到工作。When he's in a brown study it doesn't necessarily mean he's in a bad temper.他默默出神的时候,并不一定意味着他心情不好。His refusal to give you the job doesn't necessarily mean that you won't get it. There are wheels within wheels.他不给你这工作并不一定意味著你得不到这工作。这里边有奥秘在。Education needn't only be about furthering your career.受教育并不一定只是要推进一个人的事业。Love of school is not necessarily contemporaneous with residence therein.住读的同时并不一定就对学校产生感情。Privatization is not always the gravy train that governments promise.私有化并不一定能像政府承诺的那样带来滚滚财源。You didn't have to be present. Just send a letter of explanation.并不一定要到场,写封信解释一下就行了。Higher sales won't necessarily translate into profits.销售量的提升并不一定会转变为利润。The recent decline of the stock market does not necessarily signify the start of a recession.股市近期的低迷并不一定说明经济开始衰退了。Many people have found out to their cost that insurance policies do not always cover damage from flooding.许多人吃了苦头才明白,保单并不一定都赔偿水灾损失。Despite the beautiful imagery, it's not certain that each posturing pair is actually a mated pair.尽管电影表现得尽善尽美,但实际上并不一定每一对在镜头前展现风姿的都是情侣。To face unpleasant truth need not be discouraging, but can be bracing.正视严酷事实并不一定使人气馁,反而可能令人振奋。This does not warrant the conclusion that he failed.并不一定能得出他失败了的结论。A reliable car doesn't have to cost a bundle.一辆性能可靠的车并不一定要花很多钱。An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.前列腺增大并不一定意味着癌变。The public don't necessarily want the paraphernalia of a full court hearing.公众并不一定希望走全面听证的复杂程序。A merger as such involves no necessary connotations of coercion, dominance, etc.像这样的合并并不一定带有强制或控制等的含义。The vaccination doesn't necessarily make you completely immune.接种这种疫苗并不一定能完全免疫。High fees don't necessarily equate to high service.高费用并不一定代表高水平服务。The basic point is that sanctions cannot be counted on to produce a sure result.最重要的一点是,制裁并不一定能带来一个确定的结果。It soon became clear that a victory for Sampras was not a foregone conclusion.桑普拉斯并不一定会获胜,这很快就变得明朗了。High profits do not necessarily imply efficiency.高利润并不一定意味着高效率。He taught me that the easy option isn't always the best one.他让我明白了简便的办法并不一定总是最好的。Differences in religious beliefs are not necessarily a bar to a good relationship.宗教信仰不同并不一定会妨碍人们建立良好的关系。A passion for cooking does not necessarily have to be bad for your waistline.热衷于做菜并不一定会导致腰围增粗。One does not need to be a highbrow to read this book.并不一定是博学的人才能读这本书。The public don't necessarily want the paraphernalia of a full hearing.公众并不一定希望走全面听证的复杂程序。Going grey is not necessarily synonymous with growing old.头发变白并不一定等于变老了。What is known about what happens in vitro cannot necessarily be extrapolated.知道在体外发生了什么并不一定就能由此外推。A fall in demand does not necessarily signal the death of the industry.需求的减少并不一定意味着该行业走向穷途末路。He speaks five languages fluently, if not always grammatically.他能流利地说五种语言,尽管语法上并不一定总是正确。Divorce doesn't have to screw your children up.离异并不一定非得把孩子们弄得精神紧张。In movies, talent by no means guarantees success.在电影业工作,天才并不一定就能成功。Finding a lump does not necessarily mean you have cancer.发现有肿块并不一定意味着你就得癌症了。Having cancer is not necessarily a death sentence.得了癌症并不一定就是判了死刑。There is, of course, no inherent virtue in moderation.当然,节制并不一定有用。




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