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词汇 年份
例句 The restaurant has a fine selection of vintage wines.这家餐厅收藏了一批特定年份出产的佳酿葡萄酒。Any unspent money in the account will roll over to subsequent years.账户中所有未用完的资金将结转到后续年份This has been one of the worst years on record for winter storms.这是有记录以来冬季风暴最严重的年份之一。Is the date on the coin still legible?硬币上的年份仍清晰可见吗?Customers can browse wines by price, varietal, region and year.顾客可以根据葡萄酒的价格、葡萄种类、产地和年份来浏览。Why can't I remember the exact year we married?.为什么我记不起我们结婚的准确年份了?It has been an off year for auto sales.今年是汽车销量较差的年份




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