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Pete punted us back to the boatyard.皮特用方头平底船把我们载回了船坞。Do you want to go punting tomorrow?你明天想乘方头平底船游玩吗?In the afternoon they all went for a punt.下午的时候他们都去坐方头平底船了。Only flat-bottomed boats can safely navigate the canal.只有平底船能够安全地在这条运河上航行。We'd walked along by the Cam and watched people punting with long poles.我们沿着卡姆河漫步,看着人们用长长的篙撑着平底船。Men punted laden boats down a peaceful canal.人们沿着平静的运河用篙撑着满载货物的平底船。We punted up towards Grantchester and had a picnic in a meadow.我们乘坐平底船溯河而上到了格兰切斯特,并在草地上举行了野餐。The one thing I look forward to is going punting in Cambridge.我期盼的一件事就是在剑桥乘坐平底船畅游。 |