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词汇 平常
例句 The series of speeches on the economy was uninspiring and a rehash of old subjects.这一系列关于经济的演讲平常无奇,都是一些陈词滥调。Her clothes were simple and unnoticeable.她的服装简朴而平常He's really not so bad. When you get to know him he seems quite human.他实际上没那么坏。 一旦你对他有所了解,他似乎挺平常He enjoyed a drink after work, as is his wont. 他下班后去喝了一杯,就像他平常那样。School let out one hour earlier than usual.学校比平常早放学一个小时。Sid was not his usual smiling self.锡德脸上没了平常挂着的笑容。Cecil was ambling along as usual without a care in the world.塞西尔像平常一样无牵无挂地漫步。It was just an ordinary weekend for us.对我们来说,这只是一个平常的周末。As usual when he was nervous, his stomach began to rumble.平常一样,他一紧张肚子就开始咕噜叫。I came into the room and went to bed the same as usual.我走进房间,像平常一样上床睡觉。They are usually fairly mundane measures dressed up as dramatic departures.这些不过是再平常不过的措施,却经常被说成是巨大的突破。The journey took longer than normal.这次旅途超过了平常所需的时间。His appearance is even more slovenly than usual.他的样子比平常更为邋遢。Nancy replied with more acidity than usual.南希的回答的尖刻程度比平常尤甚。She's a great cook, but she really outdid herself this time. The meal was wonderful. 她是一名出色的厨师,不过这次她的确超出了自己平常的水平。这顿饭做得很棒。Sam was in a bad mood as usual.萨姆像平常一样心情不好。Her performance wasn't up to her usual standards. 她的表演没有达到她平常的水平。The normalization of unemployment significantly increased public responsibility for the jobless.失业的平常化使得公众对于失业人群的责任感大大增加。Desserts include usual favourites such as sherry trifle.甜点包括了平常最爱,如雪利酒松糕。You'll find the cutlery in its usual place.你可以在平常放餐具的地方找到刀叉餐具。It started out as a perfectly normal day.这一天开始时跟平常没什么两样。Such systems are becoming more and more common in academia.这些体制在学术界变得越来越平常了。Stan was speaking even more slowly than usual.斯坦说得比平常还要慢。I set off for school as normal.我像平常一样去上学。He left work at the usual time.他按平常时间离开办公室。We didn't play any of the usual games at the baby shower.分娩送礼会上我们没有玩平常的游戏。We had dinner at the Ritz, a far cry from our usual hamburger and fries.我们在里兹饭店吃晚饭,那和我们平常吃的汉堡包和炸薯条可是天差地别了。Common doors should be keyed with a non-duplicated key.平常的门应该配不可复制的钥匙。Lather your hair as normal.平常那样在头发上抹上洗发液。Every single employee turned up at the meeting, even people who usually stayed away.所有雇员一个个不落都参加了会议,甚至平常不去开会的人都去了。London's traffic was even worse than normal during the Tube strike.在地铁罢工期间,伦敦的交通状况甚至比平常更糟糕。His face had a pinkness deeper than its wont.他的脸色比平常显得更红。Leopard-print tissues prove that designers will vamp up even the most mundane objects.印着豹纹的纸巾说明即使是最平常的物件,设计师们也能把它们搞得很引人注目。We wanted him to have the typical college experience of living on campus.我们希望他拥有住校这种最平常的大学生活经历。Ordinary things assumed different shapes in the mist.雾中平常的东西会呈现出不同的形状。In spite of last night's terrorist attack, most people seem to be going about their business as if nothing had happened.尽管昨晚发生了恐怖袭击,大多数人似乎还是像平常一样生活工作,好像什么事情也没有发生过。The telephone box was broken, as usual.平常一样,公用电话亭坏了。His current friendly manner is in marked contrast to his usual behavior. 他现在友好的态度与他平常的举止迥然不同。If you want to get a girl to like you, the best thing you can do is just be yourself.如果你想要女孩喜欢你,最好的办法就是跟平常一样。There were twice as many visitors as usual last weekend.上周末的游客是平常的两倍。




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