例句 |
The letter dragged up painful memories for Rose.这封信给罗丝带来痛苦的回忆。The reporters had no idea of the anguish they could inflict with only one sentence.记者们根本没想到他们只消一句话就会给人带来痛苦。It gives people pain if they are not treated very kindly.如果不宽容待人,就会给人带来痛苦。These memories bring both pleasure and pain.这些记忆既带来快乐也带来痛苦。Famine and war still afflict mankind.饥荒与战争依旧给人类带来痛苦。Our instinctive reaction when someone causes us pain is to strike back.当别人给我们带来痛苦时,我们的本能反应是以牙还牙。 |