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词汇 市郊
例句 More and more people are swapping their suburban house for a peaceful rural haven.越来越多的人在将自己市郊的房屋置换成安静的乡村居所。As they approached the outskirts of the city, Ella's mood visibly lightened.他们快到市郊时,埃拉的情绪明显好转。Suburban styles of life are very different from those in the inner city.市郊的生活方式和旧城区的生活方式大不相同。The Cité De Science is a futuristic complex in the Parisian outskirts.科学城是巴黎市郊一幢未来主义风格的综合性建筑。Out-of-town stores continue to lure shoppers away from town centres.位于市郊的商店继续吸引购物者从市中心来此购物。It had become almost a dormitory suburb of the city.它几乎成为了城市的一个市郊住宅区。Extremists blew up a mosque on the outskirts of the city.极端分子炸毁了市郊的一座清真寺。There's a skating rink uptown.市郊有一个溜冰场。Suburbs sprawled out to provide homes for the newly prosperous.市郊无序地向外扩展以便为新富起来的人提供住房。I can get lunch in Chinatown for half of what it costs uptown.我可以在唐人街吃午饭,花费只需市郊餐馆的一半。All the social workers come in from their comfortable homes in the suburbs.所有的社会福利工作者都来自市郊的小康家庭。He grew up in the comfort of the Surrey stockbroker belt.他在萨里市郊富人区的舒适环境中长大。We were driving through the outskirts of Baghdad.我们正开车穿过巴格达市郊The suburbs sprawl across two hilltops.市郊散乱地延伸过两个山头。He drove through the gracious suburbs with the swimming pools and tennis courts.他驱车驶过有游泳池和网球场的高端市郊住宅区。He did not take the direct route to his home, but made a detour around the outskirts of the city.他没有直接回家,而是绕到市郊兜了个圈子。The spread of the suburbs has triggered a population explosion among America's deer.市郊的扩展使美国鹿的数量激增。Her parents lived in a big house on the outskirts of Manchester.她父母住在曼彻斯特市郊的一幢大房子里。Out-of-town superstores are doing well.市郊的超市经营良好。The first stop in our itinerary was a hotel outside Paris.我们行程的第一个停留地点是位于巴黎市郊的旅店。Town centre shops face a threat from large out-of-town developments which offer hundreds of shops under one roof.市中心的商店面临来自市郊的大型新开发区的威胁,那里一幢建筑物内就可容纳好几百家商店。He made a detour around the outskirts of the city.他绕到市郊兜了个圈子。The proximity of the wealthy suburb to the squatter camp throws the plight of the squatters into even sharper relief.贫民区靠近富裕的市郊,使得棚户区的贫困境况更加触目惊心。They live on the outskirts of Chennai.他们住在钦奈市郊They live in a two-bedroomed house in the heart of suburbia.他们住在设施缺乏的市郊中心区一栋两居室的房子里。From Wrexham centre take the Chester Road to the outskirts of town.从雷克瑟姆市中心出发,沿着切斯特路到达市郊They took a taxi from uptown to downtown.他们乘出租车从市郊到市中心。The richer families have moved out into the suburbs.比较富有的家庭已迁到市郊去住。




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