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He was elected to Parliament as the Member for Leeds.他当选为利兹市议员而进入了议会。One former city councillor evinced some sympathy for the defendants.一位前市议员对这些被告表示些许同情。He won his political spurs fighting hospital closures during his time as a local councillor in Bristol.他因担任布里斯托尔市议员期间反对关闭医院而赢得了政治声誉。Councillor Jones will be chair of the housing committee meeting.琼斯市议员将主持房屋委员会的会议。City councilors are deadlocked over the budget.市议员们在预算问题上争执不下。City councilors reached a deadlock over the law.市议员们在这个法律问题上陷入了僵局。 |