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例句 He was unopposed as the successor to the late president.他被一致无异议地推选为已故董事长的继任。She was an admirer of the late president.她是已故总统的崇拜者。In a fateful coincidence, the flight attendant just happens to have been the best friend of Jake's dead former girlfriend.那位空中乘务员碰巧是杰克已故前女友最好的朋友,这是个命中注定的巧合。I'd like to talk to you about your late husband.我想和你谈谈有关你已故丈夫的事。The late Lord Longford campaigned on her behalf.已故勋爵朗福德曾代表她参加竞选。The army have called for a more thorough purge of people associated with the late President.军队请求更彻底地清除与已故总统有关的人员。The mourners filed in to pay their final respects to the late chairman.吊丧的人们排着队鱼贯而入,向已故主席告别。After the funeral, foreign ambassadors lined up to offer their condolences to the widow of the late president.丧礼结束以后,各国大使列队向已故总统的遗孀致哀。The dead artist's paintings are a permanent reminder of his great talent.这位已故画家的作品使人们永远记得他的伟大天才。The late Earl passed on much of his fortune to his daughter.已故伯爵将他的大部分财产传给了女儿。They came to pay their last respects to the late chairman.他们来向已故主席凭吊告别。He married the wife of his late brother.他娶了已故哥哥的妻子。The court appointed him custodian of the dead author's manuscripts.法庭指定他为那位已故作家的手稿的保管人。The dead tycoon's sons will remain in their plush offices overseeing the death throes of the family empire.这位已故大亨的儿子们将坐在豪华的办公室里,目睹这个家族帝国崩溃前的痛苦挣扎。The late president supposedly stashed millions of dollars in Swiss bank accounts.那位已故总统据称在瑞士银行账户里藏了几百万美元。The prize is named for the late Mexican writer Juan Rulfo.该奖以已故墨西哥作家胡安·鲁尔福的名字命名。The gravestone was inscribed with the name and dates of the dead youth.墓碑上刻着这位已故青年的名字和生卒日期。He made a donation to the school in memory of his late wife.为纪念已故妻子,他给学校捐了款。Caro came in for a lot of criticism for his biography of the late president.卡罗撰写了已故总统的传记,受到许多批评。The players wore black armbands as a tribute to their late teammate.球员们戴着黑纱作为对已故队友的怀念。A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.小报上开始了对那位已故女士全方位的人身攻击。She was named after her now deceased grandmother.她的名字和她已故祖母的名字一样。Mrs. Young offered to fill out her late husband's last few months as chairman.杨夫人主动提出完成她已故丈夫末了几个月的主席工作。




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