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词汇 差一点就
例句 She was very lucky. She very nearly lost her life.她非常幸运,差一点就没命了。He turned the corner a little too fast, narrowly missing the boy who ran into the road to wave him down.他转弯有点急,差一点就撞倒那个冲上马路拦他车的男孩。We only just missed the bus. 我们只差一点就赶上公共汽车了。He almost caught me, but I dodged and ran across the road.差一点就抓住了我,但我一闪身就跑过了马路。The terrorists almost succeeded in blowing up the President's limousine.恐怖分子差一点就炸掉了总统的轿车。The bullet missed his heart by a narrow/slim margin. 这颗子弹差一点就击中了他的心脏。The books on the top shelf are just beyond my grasp.差一点就能够到书架顶层的书。I swerved to avoid the other car and only just missed a tree.我为避开另一辆车急忙转向,差一点就撞到树上。She just caught the train.差一点就赶不上火车了。She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Everest and she almost succeeded.她想成为第一个登上珠穆朗玛峰的女性,而且差一点就做到了。She came within an ace of winning the match.差一点就赢了这场比赛。It was close but no cigar for Johnny as he came second once again.约翰尼又得了第二名,真遗憾,差一点就成功了。The bullet narrowly missed his heart. 子弹差一点就击中了他的心脏。Flying into the airport at Lima, we narrowly avoided a collision with another plane.飞进利马机场时,我们差一点就撞上了另一架飞机。The article says Meyers narrowly escaped arrest in Rome last month.这篇文章说,上个月迈耶斯在罗马差一点就落网。It gave me a shock to realize that I had almost died.我惊讶地意识到,我差一点就没命了。He only narrowly missed the target.差一点就能击中目标了。That was a close call, the train nearly hit the car.好险,火车差一点就撞上那部车子。My alarm clock is broken and I nearly didn't wake up in time this morning.闹钟坏了,今天早上我差一点就起床迟了。He came within an ace of winning.差一点就赢了。Dad came near to changing his mind about lending me the car.爸爸差一点就改变主意不借车给我了。I can just about tolerate it at the moment.当时我差一点就忍受不了了。We came close to winning the championship this season.我们差一点就获得了本赛季的冠军。Their marriage was going through a crisis which almost ended in divorce.他们的婚姻经历了一场危机,差一点就离婚了。She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Qomolangma, and she almost succeeded.她想成为第一位登上珠穆朗玛峰的女性,而且她也差一点就成功了。Tempers rose high and the company nearly came to blows.这群人火气上来差一点就要打起来了。The horse's time for the race was just short of the record. = The horse just missed breaking the record.这匹马差一点就打破比赛纪录了。They came dangerously close to being caught.他们差一点就被抓到。The decree stopped short of a full declaration of independence.这项法令差一点就宣布完全独立了。




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