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词汇 差一点
例句 He almost drowned when he fell in the river.他掉入河里差一点淹死。I nearly tripped and fell as I retreated from a gentleman who rushed up to me.一名绅士冲着我急急走来,我连忙退避,差一点绊倒在地。What an old woman Dave is - he nearly had a fit because he got mud on his shoes!你知道戴夫是多爱大惊小怪的一个人——就因为鞋子上沾了几点泥巴,他就差一点大发脾气!The bullet grazed the corner of the building, just missing my arm.子弹从建筑物的一角擦过,差一点打中我的胳膊。The driver nearly caused an accident by cutting in.那司机超车抢挡差一点出车祸。He nearly fell off the precipice.差一点从悬崖上掉下去。He nearly got a homer that time.那次他差一点受重伤被送回家。The thought of having to stay in the house all day made me feel almost suicidal.想到要整天待在屋内使我差一点要自杀。She came within a whisker of getting fired. 差一点被解雇。He contracted pneumonia and came within breaths of dying.他得了肺炎, 差一点一命呜呼。Somebody nearly brained me with a bottle.有人差一点用酒瓶打我的头。I was laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair.我笑得差一点从椅子上掉下来。Neuman revealed that she nearly quit showbusiness to run a mobile massage parlour.诺伊曼透露说她差一点离开娱乐界去开一个流动按摩院。He ran out into the road and almost got hit.他冲到马路上,差一点被撞到了。I was so angry I almost resigned on the spot.我非常恼火,差一点当场辞职。Her husband was nearly killed by a drunk driver.她丈夫差一点被一个酒后驾车者撞死。They came perilously close to being caught.他们差一点被抓住。I tripped and almost did a backward flip down the stairs.我绊了一下,差一点从楼梯上倒栽下来。I nearly flipped out when she told me she and David were getting married.当她告诉我她跟戴维要结婚了的时候,我差一点气疯了。I turned a corner and nearly ran into Caroline.我转过街角,差一点撞上卡罗琳。The acrobat almost fell over but quickly recovered.那杂技演员差一点跌倒,但很快恢复了平衡。He barely made his flight. 差一点没赶上航班。He just missed being seriously hurt. 差一点受重伤。The barber has virtually scalped me.理发师差一点没给我剪了个光头。He managed to stifle the spasmodic sobs of panic rising in his throat.他惊慌得差一点哭了起来,不过还是竭力地克制住了。I halfway expected you not to come!差一点以为你不来啦!The child was bullied almost out of its life.这小孩差一点吓掉了魂。The bus just missed the wall.那辆公共汽车差一点撞到墙上。They almost won the match in the closing minutes.在比赛的最后几分钟,他们差一点获胜。He narrowly escaped being drowned.差一点给淹死。Larry's years of hard drinking and living almost cost him his life.拉里长期酗酒和艰苦的生活差一点要了他的命。It's a bit less than a mile from here to the station.从此地到车站差一点才足一英里。We didn't win, but we came close.我们没有赢,但是就差一点He almost sighed, but refrained.差一点出声叹息,可还是忍住了。She was a shade under five feet tall.她身高差一点到五英尺。I almost did myself a mischief when I tried to jump across a stream.我在试图跳过溪水时差一点受了伤。The smell was so bad it almost made me throw up.那气味太难闻了,差一点让我吐出来。She nearly died of pneumonia.差一点死于肺炎。That bozo flirted with the boss' daughter and nearly got fired.那个笨蛋跟老板的女儿调情,差一点被炒鱿鱼。I was within a hairbreadth of punching him in the mouth.差一点没向他的嘴巴猛击一拳。




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