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词汇 工资
例句 He pays for his insurance by automatic payroll deduction. 他通过工资自动扣除方式缴纳保险金。On my salary, I can afford few luxuries.我的工资几乎买不起什么奢侈品。She complained about being given such a measly raise.她抱怨只增加了那么一丁点儿工资We get time and a half for working on Sunday.我们星期天加班拿一倍半的工资These workers are paid extremely low wages by their employers.这些工人从雇主那儿拿到的工资少得可怜。They docked his wages for arriving at work two hours late.因为上班迟到两小时,他们扣了他的工资The company docked the men's wages if they came late to work.工人如果上班迟到,公司就扣他们的工资Wages are linked to prices in a number of countries.在不少国家,工资是与物价挂钩的。There are many grossly underpaid teachers.工资过低的老师有很多。No wonder the nurses feel let down - they were promised a big pay increase, but nothing has happened.难怪护士会感到失望。先是答应给她们大幅度提高工资,但后来就只字不提了。Workers are making a determined push for higher wages.工人们正在努力争取更高的工资Most salary-earners are paid monthly.大多数工薪阶层的工资都是按月发放。They offered him the salary that he asked for, but he couldn't leave it at that. 他们给了他所要求的工资,但是他的要求并非止于此。Their small paycheques were nicked by the taxes.他们菲薄的工资被税收吞噬不少。We need to upgrade the pay and status of doctors.我们需要提高医生的工资和地位。How can we support our families on such low wages?这么低的工资,让我们如何养家糊口?Her wage became essential to keep her and her husband above water financially.为了使她与丈夫不发生经济困难,她的工资变得必不可少了。 Salaries will be paid at the end of the calendar month.工资将在月底发放。To top up her salary she works extra shifts.她为了弥补工资不足还额外加班。The salary is commensurate with the output.工资与产量相称。I don't know how they expect me to survive on my salary.我不知道他们认为靠我的工资我可以如何生活。The company started him at the same salary he had been getting on his previous job.公司雇下了他,工资同他原先的工作一样。The bonus he received in addition to his salary was pure gravy.他得到的工资之外的奖金纯属意外收入。Prices and wages are fellow-travellers on the same upward escalator.物价和工资总是联袂逐步上涨的。Workers demanded fair wages and better working conditions.工人要求合理的工资和更好的工作环境。Salaries will continue to rise in line with inflation.工资将会随着通货膨胀而持续增加。They work long hours in order to take home a fat wage packet.为了多赚点儿工资,他们加班加点地工作。Wages are not keeping pace with inflation.工资的增长赶不上通货膨胀的速度。The garment workers were being paid very low wages.制衣工人拿的工资很低。They paid off all their workers and then closed the factory.他们付清所有工人的工资后关闭了工厂。I'm with you all the way on this salary issue, Joe.在这个工资问题上,我完全同意你,乔。It's the perfect job for him - the salary is of secondary importance.这工作对他来说十分理想—工资倒是次要的。What justification can there be for paying women lower wages?给妇女付较低的工资,这有什么理由?Everyone should be entitled to a decent wage/standard of living.人人都应该有权获得像样的工资/过上体面的生活。Their main grievance was that they had not received their pitiably low pay.他们主要的抱怨是没有拿到那少得可怜的工资The employees expect some increase in wages.员工们期望涨些工资In absolute terms British wages remain low by European standards.根据欧洲标准,英国工资的绝对值依然很低。The idea of paying out half my salary on rent didn't sound too good.要我花一半的工资支付房租,这好像不太好。What's the point of a six-figure salary and no time to enjoy it?有六位数的工资却没有时间享受它,那有什么意思?He sweetened the pill by increasing wages.他提高了工资以使人们更易接受。




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