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Factory jobs have more pull than domestic service.工厂工作比家政服务吸引力大。I began working at the factory during the depth/depths of the Depression.在经济大萧条最严重的时候,我开始到工厂工作。He worked in that factory then.他那时在那个工厂工作。He works in a factory where they can fruit.他在一家罐装水果的工厂工作。She works in a factory.她在一家工厂工作。I quit my job at the factory because I hated the mindless repetition.我辞掉了工厂工作,因为我厌恶机械的重复动作。The golden rule for working in any factory is to observe its safety regulations.在任何工厂工作都要遵守的重要原则是遵守其安全生产规章。They have no reservations about taking factory or manual jobs.他们对于去工厂工作或干体力活都没意见。He worked in a factory and got paid by the piece.他在一家工厂工作,按件计酬。 |