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词汇 工党
例句 Labour scraped in by a small majority.工党以微弱的优势勉强当选。The Conservatives are not yet a credible threat to Labour.保守党对工党还不构成确实有效的威胁。The seat was a stronghold of the Labour party.这个选区是工党的大本营。They are faithful supporters of the Labour Party.他们是工党忠实的拥护者。Labour took its pre-election campaign to the North-West.工党在西北部地区展开了其选举前的竞选活动。Every member will receive their own 'Welcome to Labour' brochure.每个党员都将收到一本名为《欢迎加入工党》的小册子。Labour support remained strong and unbroken by the depression.工党的支持率依然很高,并未受到经济萧条的影响。The industrial cities are the Labour Party's traditional power base.工业城市是工党传统的权力基础所在。Do you think Labour will get in again at the next election?你认为工党在下一届选举中会再次当选吗?Labour are banging the drum for a united Europe.工党正极力鼓吹建立一个统一的欧洲。Labour voters tend to rate the National Health Service as a top priority.支持工党的选民通常赞成把国民保健系统列为重中之重。He was beginning to regret his break with the Labour Party.他开始后悔脱离工党He believes that, historically, Labour has been most successful as the party that helped people get on in life.他相信一直以来工党在帮助人民改善生活方面表现最为出色。He says Labour would govern with common sense and common decency.他表示,工党将以常识和常礼来治国。Wilkins spoke on behalf of the Labour Party.威尔金斯代表工党发言。The ALP's education policy is demonstrative of its utopian socialist roots.澳大利亚工党的教育政策说明了其乌托邦社会主义的本质。Everybody who was anybody in Labour politics turned up.工党政治生活中的头面人物个个都到场了。Early returns show that the Labour Party is in the lead.早期选举结果表明工党处于领先地位。The millionaire turncoat is beneath contempt for jumping from the Tories to Labour.从保守党变节到工党的那个富翁叛徒极为可鄙。He expected Labour MPs to behave as ambassadors for the government, going out to people, reaching them, explaining to them.他曾期望工党的下院议员充当政府的代表,走出去接触人民,向人民做解释工作。The Labour Party must capture the imagination of young voters.工党必须激发年轻选民的想象力。The Labour Party has to be a broad church.工党必须能海纳百川,包容各种观点。The Labour Party and the teaching unions condemned the idea.工党与教师联合会均谴责这一主张。The implications of Labour's defeat were beginning to sink in.人们开始意识到工党败选所带来的影响。I would certainly dismiss any allegations of impropriety by the Labour Party.对于工党指责我行为不正当,我当然不会理会。She belongs to the Labour Party.她是工党成员。There was a clear conflict of interest here between the Labour Party's financial interest and the Labour Government's duty to take decisions in the public interest.在这一点上,工党的经济利益和工党政府为公众利益决策的职责之间有明显的利害冲突。Labour has the Conservatives on the run.工党使保守党处于劣势。Labour were the big winners in yesterday's poll.工党是昨天选举中的大赢家。They were asked to help co-ordinate Labour's election campaign.他们被请来帮助协调工党的选举活动。The right-wing press has always been deeply antagonistic towards the Labour party.右翼媒体一向对工党深怀敌意。The Labour Party wants to raise taxes, and this is where we differ from them.工党想提高税收,这是我们与他们的不同之处。He has openly criticized Labour's election platform.他曾经公开批判过工党的竞选纲领。Labour MPs renewed their call for the abolition of the House of Lords.工党国会议员再次呼吁废除上议院了。The Labour Party is not immune to new ideas.工党也受到新思潮的影响。Opinion polls show Labour pulling ahead of the Conservatives.民意调查显示工党领先于保守党。Labour was also unable to live down its reputation as the party of high taxes.工党也无法让人忘记其高税党的名声。Labour trailed third, behind the Conservative and Liberal parties.工党落后于保守党和自由党,屈居第三。Labour backbenchers工党的普通议员There is disappointment among Labour voters that the party has not done more to help traditional industries.工党没有采取更多措施帮助传统工业,这使得该党的选民感到失望。




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