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词汇 chat
例句 On-line chat is becoming an increasingly popular way for young people to make new friends.网上聊天是越来越受年轻人欢迎的交友方式。You will have a chance to circulate and chat informally.你们会有机会四处走动一下,随便聊聊。She called (me) this morning at the office and we had a brief chat.今天早上她打电话到我的办公室,我们简短地闲聊了会儿。I just rang up for a chat.我打电话只是想随便聊聊。A passing acquaintance who was evidently known to the family stopped to chat at our table.一个显然跟这家人都认识的熟人路过我们桌,停下脚步聊起天来。I rather naïvely gave my address to a man I met in an Internet chat room.我很天真地把我的地址给了一个在互联网聊天室里认识的男人。Children should be taught to be careful about who they talk to in chat rooms.应当教会孩子在聊天室里小心对方。Do you suppose we could get together for a little chat sometime soon?我们最近能抽空聚在一起聊上几句吗?Once our chat is over, Stein's PR lets us go off alone together.我们的谈话一结束,斯坦的公关人员就让我们一起单独离开。They dropped in for a chat.他们顺便过来聊聊。I wanted to stop and chat, but duty called and I went back to the office.我想停下来聊会儿,但由于公务在身,我又回到了办公室。The interview resolved itself into a pleasant chat.会见变成了愉快的闲聊。How do I start a group chat?怎么才能开始群聊?Fenella really fancied the drummer and went over to chat to him after the concert.费内拉非常喜欢那位鼓手,音乐会结束后她就上前去和他聊了起来。I'd love to stay and chat but I must be going.我很愿意留下来聊聊,可我必须得走了。We enjoyed a chat over coffee.我们喜欢边喝咖啡边聊天。He often asked Philip to come in for a chat.他经常邀菲利浦进来闲谈。Do you have time for a chat?你有时间聊会儿吗?You can't believe all the stories you hear in Internet chat rooms.在网络聊天室里听到的故事不可全信。You can chat to other people who are online.你可以和其他在线的人聊天。It's a place where people can chat and exchange ideas.这是个人们可以聊天和交流想法的地方。I'll come by (the office/your house) one day this week and we can have a chat.这周哪一天我顺道去(办公室/你家),我们可以聊一聊。I think it's sort of creepy how people lurk in chat rooms.我觉得人们潜水在聊天室里不留言有点可怕。I'll have a chat to John about it.我会跟约翰聊聊这个。The customers smooch and chat.顾客们拥吻并聊天。The Prime Minister gave a fireside chat to sell the people on his new policy.首相发表炉边谈话,说服人民接受他的新政策。They began to chat to relieve the boredom of the flight.他们为了给无聊的旅途解闷而开始聊天。Some friends stopped/came by our house for a chat.几个朋友到我们家来聊天。I chat to him at work now and then but I've never seen him socially.我偶尔在工作时和他闲聊一会儿,但我从未在社交场合见过他。Millions of people regularly tune in to her chat show.数百万人按时收听她的谈话节目。We had a very interesting chat.我们相谈甚欢。The customers smooch and chat.客人们拥抱亲吻,亲热地闲聊着。An old man came out and ambled over for a chat.一个老人出来,漫步走过去聊天。I met him first at his house where we had a chat.我初次见他是在他家里,当时我们聊了一会儿。Phone chat lines are a real racket.电话聊天热线纯属暴利行当。He felt slighted because I had no time for a chat.因为我没有时间跟他聊天,他觉得受了冷落。Sometimes young lads just need to turn to a mother figure for a bit of a chat and reassurance.有时候年轻小伙子只是需要找一个母亲式的人物聊一聊,从中获得安慰。Some friends stopped/came by for a chat. 几个朋友到家里来聊天。He didn't want anything in particular. He just stopped for a chat.他并不想要什么特别的东西,他只是停下来聊聊天。You can take part in a live online chat with the movie's director this afternoon.今天下午你们可以参与同该片导演的网上直播对话。




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