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词汇 巡回
例句 The band is currently touring to promote the new album.该乐队目前正在各地巡回,推广他们的新唱片。The concert tour was an absolute miracle of organization.这次巡回音乐会组织得绝对周到。Usually the book publisher, not the author, picks up the tab for a publicity tour.一般来说,由出版商而不是作者承担巡回推广的费用。She is on a mobile cinema team.她在巡回电影队工作。Touring the album temporarily split the band up.巡回推广这张唱片使该乐团各成员暂时各奔东西。The president travels thousands of miles as he barnstorms the country.总统奔波数千英里,在全国进行巡回政治演说。She went on a promotional tour for her novel.巡回推销自己的小说。He went on a whistle-stop campaign/tour in the days leading up to the election.在临近选举的日子,他开始了走马灯似的巡回竞选演说。The play toured Europe after it premiered in Poland.在波兰首次公演后,这部戏剧在欧洲巡回上演。The doctor is on his round of visits.医生在巡回出诊。The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals refused to rule on that case.美国第四巡回上诉法庭拒绝受理此案。Norton is on tour promoting her new children's book.诺顿在巡回推广她新写的儿童读物。The group tours schools, talking to kids about drug abuse and its associated problems.该组织巡回探访各校,给孩子们讲述吸毒及其带来的问题。Ryan is making the rounds of talk shows to promote her new movie.瑞安在做巡回访谈节目,宣传她的新片。It's a common problem, the one I'm asked about most when I'm on the lecture circuit.这问题很常见,我在巡回讲演时被问得最多的就是这个。The Second Circuit ruled today against the plaintiff.第二巡回上诉法院于今天判原告败诉。Alexander has been stumping in New Hampshire.亚历山大一直在新罕布什尔州作巡回政治演说。Ernest roamed Europe as a roving reporter for the Toronto Star.欧内斯特作为《多伦多星报》的巡回记者在欧洲各地游历。The doctor has been doing his rounds by bike.这位大夫一直骑着自行车巡回出诊。His father was a travelling salesman and was very rarely at home.他父亲是巡回推销员,很少在家。The team is currently touring Australia in a series of friendly games.该队目前正在澳大利亚进行一系列的巡回友谊赛。She's just returned from another exhausting lecture tour.她刚完成另一次令人疲惫不堪的巡回讲课回来。The Democratic Presidential ticket plans another road show, this time through the industrial Midwest.民主党的总统候选人计划进行另外一场巡回竞选活动,这次要经过整个中西部工业区。There have so far been no mistakes during his barnstorming of the states.迄今为止,他在各州进行的巡回政治演说没有出任何差错。The Democratic Presidential ticket plans another road show through the industrial Midwest.民主党的总统候选人计划进行另外一场巡回竞选活动,这次要经过整个中西部工业区。He served as a law clerk for the chief judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit.他为哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉庭首席法官担任书记员。Jennings is currently on tour, promoting and reading from his new children's book.詹宁斯目前正在巡回推广和朗读他的新儿童读物。




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