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词汇 峡谷
例句 The valley is a desolate moonscape.这个峡谷是个月球表面一般的荒凉之地。We drove up a steep-sided valley.我们沿着陡峭的峡谷向上开。They lived over around Coyote Canyon someplace.他们住在凯奥特峡谷一带。The fossils at Dinosaur Cove are embedded in hard sandstones.恐龙峡谷中的化石都嵌在坚硬的砂岩中。Far up the west rim of the canyon, a coyote yipped twice.远处峡谷的西缘,一只丛林狼嚎叫了两声。Gammon Ranges National Park encompasses a rugged wilderness of mountains and gorges.盖蒙山脉国家公园范围内是一片高山峡谷遍布的崎岖荒野。We walked through the valley, feasting our eyes on the beauty all around us.我们步行穿过峡谷,饱览周围绚丽的景色。The grandeur of the gorge was accentuated by its emptiness.峡谷的空旷更加突出了它的宏伟。The river has carved a series of spectacular gorges.河流冲刷出一系列非常壮观的峡谷沟壑。The town is on the other side of the notch.这个镇子在峡谷的另一边。I've been/traveled the length and breadth of the canyon, but I still haven't found the caves I'm looking for.我已经走遍整个峡谷,但还是没有发现我想要寻找的那些洞穴。The car plummeted to the bottom of the canyon.这辆车坠入了峡谷谷底。The canyon was so awe-inspiring that even Dan was speechless.峡谷令人惊叹,连丹都一时说不出话来。A small brook glides through the valley with a murmur.一条小溪潺潺流过峡谷The explorers were confronted with gorges almost impassable.探险者遇到了几乎是不可逾越的峡谷The valley sits well below sea level.这个峡谷的海拔远低于海平面。The mountains scowled down over the valley.群山森然高耸在峡谷之上。Winds funneled through the canyon.风从峡谷吹过。A migration into the valley continued in full spate beyond the middle of the century.移居到该峡谷的浪潮一直保持到本世纪中叶以后。Valleys often take the form of deep canyons.山谷时常呈现为纵深的峡谷We shouted into the canyon and listened to the echo of our voices.我们朝峡谷大声呼喊,听到了呼喊的回声。It's hard to imagine the canyon's size until you see it in person.峡谷之大如非亲眼所见很难想象。In heavy rain, we struck out across the valley.我们在大雨中毅然动身穿过峡谷We looked down from on high at the lush valley.我们从高处俯瞰苍翠的峡谷He, together with Bill Dunn, decided to climb out of the canyon.他和比尔·邓恩决定一起爬出峡谷A park ranger was answering the tourists’ questions as they looked out over the canyon.游客眺望峡谷时,一名园林管理员在回答他们提出的问题。Occasional gaps allow passage through the mountains.偶尔出现的几个峡谷使穿越山脉成为可能。By building houses in the steep canyons, Californians are tempting fate in the form of mudslides and fires.加州人把房子盖在陡峭的峡谷中,面对泥石流和火灾,他们是在玩命。A rope bridge was extended over the chasm.峡谷上架起了一座绳索桥。We plan to hike the Samaria Gorge.我们计划去撒马利亚峡谷远足。The mountains are the most arresting feature of the glen.群山是该峡谷最吸引人的特色。This canyon heads the list of natural attractions.这个峡谷在天然美景中居首位。The river flows along a deep gorge.那条河流经一个很深的峡谷You could hike through the Fish River Canyon.你可以徒步穿越鱼河峡谷The valley is a patchwork of family farms.峡谷中满是一片片家庭农场。An unsteady-looking rope bridge was the only way to get across the chasm.一座看上去晃晃悠悠的索桥是通过峡谷的唯一路径。The valley stretches from Vassai in the north to Momere in the southwest.峡谷北起瓦塞,向西南绵延至莫梅尔。Water rushed through the gorge.水湍急地流过峡谷When the first birches budded up in the glens, she could no longer be kept inside the house.峡谷里第一批白桦开始发芽时,谁也无法再让她待在屋子里了。A river once flowed through this canyon.过去曾有条河流经这个峡谷




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