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Billy edged along the ledge, trying not to look down.比利在岩架上缓缓挪动,尽量不往下看。A sudden gust of wind pitched him off the ledge and he was left hanging by his safety rope.一阵突如其来的强风把他抛离了岩架,然后他被自己的安全绳悬在半空。A narrow ledge runs across the northern face of the cliff.悬崖北边有一条窄窄的岩架穿过。I hiked myself onto the ledge.我纵身跃上了岩架。The climbers bivouacked on a ledge of the cliff.登山者们在岩架上露宿。We crept carefully along the narrow ledge.我们小心翼翼地沿着狭窄的岩架爬行。He leapt onto a ledge of rock.他跳到一个岩架上。 |