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词汇 居民
例句 Residents are worried that the president's home town will turn into a tourist trap.居民担心总统的家乡将会变成一个敲游客竹杠的地方。She would never feel welcome in this city with its cold, unsmiling inhabitants.置身这个城市里冷漠、面无笑容的居民之中,她永远不会感到受欢迎。Residents were ordered to evacuate the building.居民们被命令撤出那栋楼房。The noise disturbed the entire neighbourhood.喧闹声骚扰整个地区的居民His speeches against corruption may find a sympathetic hearing among some Trinidadians.他关于反腐反贪的讲话可能会赢得一些特立尼达岛居民的支持。Most of the local residents opposed the closing of the school.当地大多数居民反对关闭这所学校。Native Americans domesticated corn.美洲土著居民培植了玉米。Course residents are expected to muck in and be prepared to share rooms.场地附近的居民也将会加入并分享自己的住处。The population of New York is very cosmopolitan.纽约居民的成分国际性很强。The flood waters have receded since then, but residents are still bailing out.此后洪水已经开始消退,但居民还在往外舀水。Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.居民们报告说他们听到了连续不断的枪声。The new town would have been unrecognisable to the original inhabitants.原来的居民可能会认不出这个崭新的城镇了。The economic disparity between the area's black and white citizens is a serious problem.该地区黑人与白人居民之间的经济差距是个严重的问题。Councils were required to compile a register of all adults living in their areas.各地政务委员会被要求编制一份该地区成年居民的名册。People in this locality used to take two meals a day.这儿的居民过去每天吃两餐饭。The road is for the exclusive use of residents.这条路为居民专用道。The majority of residents here are decent citizens.这里的大部分居民都是正派的市民。A public inquiry earlier this year produced vocal opposition from residents.今年早些时候进行的一次公众调查显示居民对此强烈抗议。The people of Houston will go to the polls next week to elect a new mayor.下周,休斯顿的居民将投票选举新市长。Residents are outraged, and rightly so.居民们感到极为愤慨,这是很自然的。The company provides telephone connections for most of the city's residents.公司为城市大部分居民提供电话连接服务。Residents of Glacier Bay are complaining about the pollution caused by cruise ships.银河湾的居民投诉游轮造成了污染。For years the inhabitants of these islands have been repressed by the colonizers.多年来,这些岛屿上的居民一直受到殖民者的镇压。The traffic causes serious disturbance to residents.往来的车辆严重干扰居民Girl Scouts went around the neighborhood selling cookies.女童子军队员在居民区内挨家卖饼干。Local residents said it was as if there had been a nuclear explosion.当地的居民说就好像发生了核爆炸一样。Town residents are required to recycle cans and bottles.镇上的居民需要将易拉罐和瓶子送到回收点。He is making a bold attempt to bolster the territory's confidence.他采取大胆行动,增强这个地区居民的信心。The residents of the neighborhood tussled with city hall for years about the broken parking meters.多年来,这一街区的居民与市政府就损毁的停车计费器问题争辩不休。Residents are gearing up to fight the proposal.居民们正在为抵制该议案做准备。The agency apportions water from the lake to residents.政府机构把湖水分配给居民The settlement ends more than four years of litigation on behalf of the residents.这一和解协议结束了代表居民提起的超过四年之久的诉讼。Residents were warned not to venture outside their homes.居民们被告诫不要走出家门。The population as a whole is getting healthier.总体看来,居民的健康状况正在改善。Residents work in the downstairs shop, and also help to maintain the building.居民在楼下的商店上班,同时还负责大楼的维护。Umbria is a wonderful region, where life is simple and the people are unpretentious country folk.翁布里亚是个令人神往的地区,那里的生活朴素,居民都是谦逊的乡下人。A resident was fighting for his life yesterday, having escaped the blaze.昨天,一位居民和死神进行了搏斗,从大火中逃了出来。The elderly residents receive an excellent standard of care and treatment.上了年纪的居民享受到一流的照顾和治疗。The town is the object of fierce loyalty among its inhabitants.居民对所居住的小镇有着强烈的眷恋之心。The early warning system has had some success; for example Pacific coast residents get four hours notice of a potential earthquake.这个预警系统是有一定作用的,例如,如有可能发生地震,太平洋沿岸地区的居民能提前四小时接到警报。




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