例句 |
Pine trees predominate in this area of forest.这片林区以松树居多。Lies he had told Katrina in the past had been exaggerations or embellishments to add fun to a story.他以前对卡特里娜撒的谎中夸张和添油加醋成分居多,目的是使自己讲的东西听起来更有意思。Jesus sojourned many days in the desert.耶稣在沙漠中旅居多日。Older people predominate in that neighborhood.那个街区老年人居多。I've always worn a lot of red.我一向是穿红色衣服居多。She wears a lot of earth tones.她的穿戴以土黄色居多。He can't explain the predominance of female cases.他无法解释为什么女性案例居多。The individualists constitute the largest category of great artists.大艺术家中以特立独行者居多。There are many onomatopoeia words in the English language, and the majority of them imitate the sounds of animals.英文中有许多拟声字,其中又以模仿动物叫声者居多。Older people are predominant in that neighborhood. 那个街区老年人居多。There is a predominance of older people in the neighborhood. 这个街区老年人居多。In older age groups women predominate because men tend to die younger.老年群体中女性居多,因为男性的寿命往往较短。 |