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例句 I speak out about the removing of all these horrible drug laws.主张废除所有这些恐怖的缉毒法。The claim failed because the company had not been misled.索赔主张没有得到支持,因为公司并没有受到误导。The farm bloc in Congress is a group from different political parties that favors laws to help farmers.国会中的农场集团是主张对农场主实行优惠法律的一个跨政党团体。He claimed to speak for traditional family values and found support from various fundamentalist groups.他声称自己的发言是主张保持传统的家庭价值观,结果受到各原教旨主义团体的支持。Stick firmly to your guns.坚持自己的主张,不要让步。We'll do it on our own terms.我们将根据自己的主张来做。Some economists advocate deficit spending to boost a slumping economy.有些经济学家主张赤字开支以提振低迷的经济。Moderate socialists believe in democratic reform rather than revolution.温和的社会主义者主张进行民主改革而不是革命。The chairman also criticised the plan for its tilt towards higher taxes rather than lower spending.主席也批评该计划倾向于主张高税收而不是低消费。He has been widely criticized for his advocacy of shorter prison sentences.他因主张缩短刑期而遭到广泛批评。He rebutted the charge/allegation/objection.他驳回了指控/主张/异议。Mrs. Welland was a mild silent woman with no strong opinions.韦兰太太是个温柔寡言的女人,没有什么鲜明的主张He was making some outrageous claims, but the audience was really lapping it up.他在发表一些耸人听闻的主张,听众却听得如痴如醉。I hate them and everything they stand for.我讨厌他们以及他们主张的一切。Neither side is willing to surrender any territory/any of their claims.双方都不愿意在领土上/自己的主张上作出任何让步。They advocated state control of all public services.他们主张由国家控制所有的公共服务事业。Ithink Bramwell was the one who first suggested the idea.我认为布拉姆韦尔是第一个提出这一主张的人。They argue for the reform of existing political institutions.他们主张对现有政治机构进行改革。The company's bosses are urging full cooperation with the trade union.公司老板主张与工会全面合作。The voters should by now be in no doubt what the parties stand for.选民们现在应该确切知道各党派的主张了。The latest research vindicates what we've been arguing for years.最新的研究证明了我们主张多年的事是正确的。His supporters have accepted his claims with blind/unquestioning faith.他的支持者们盲目地/毫不质疑地接受了他的主张She argues persuasively that the drug should be legal.她雄辩地主张那种药品应该合法。The Labour Party is expected to sound a reformist theme at its next convention.预期工党将在下届代表大会上发表一个改革的主张Because of the impact of Islamic terrorism, the candidate Donald Trump is proposing to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. Many people think he is putting the cart before the horse.因为回教恐怖主义的冲击,候选人川普主张禁止回教徒进入美国。许多人认为他这是本末倒置。The commentators all say it's not practical, but I'm for him trying.评论员都说这不切合实际,但我主张他试试看。He has a puritanical attitude towards sex.他在性问题上主张克制,反对纵欲。The Labour Party and the teaching unions condemned the idea.英国工党和教师工会谴责了这一主张She believed in temperance in all things.主张凡事应适可而止。The decisions were a betrayal of everything my father stood for.这些决定与我父亲所有的主张都相悖。The international court of justice might be a suitable place to adjudicate claims.国际法庭可能是对权利主张进行裁决的合适地方。The claimant submitted that the evidence was inadmissible.索赔人主张,证据无效。He hates us and everything we stand for.他仇恨我们以及我们的任何主张There is not a particle of evidence to support their claim.没有任何证据能支持他们的主张They refused to entertain the notion.他们拒绝接受这一主张The book is both a history and a passionate polemic for tolerance.这本书既是一段历史,也是一篇主张宽容的激情论辩。We have to examine this claim before we proceed any further.我们必须先审核一下这项主张,然后才能继续其他事情。Naess has been arrested a couple of times for environmental activism.内斯已经因激进环境主张被捕好几次了。There is little scientific evidence to substantiate the claims.这些主张几乎找不到科学依据加以证实。His party espouses radical reform.他的政党主张激进的改革。




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