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词汇 charging
例句 I could tell they were scamming you and charging too much.我可以断定他们是在欺诈你,而且要价太高。Tongue lolling, the dog came charging back from the forest.那只狗吐着舌头从树林里飞奔回来。The battery is charging. 电池正在充电。The policy of charging air travellers for vegetarian meals proved unpopular and has already been rescinded.事实证明,航空公司向素食乘客收取素餐费的做法不得人心,因而已被取消。Plans to introduce congestion charging were dropped until after the election.对道路拥挤实行收费的计划推迟到大选之后再考虑。A soldier with a pike could bring down a charging horse.手持长矛的士兵能刺倒一匹疾驰的马。It is possible for telephone companies to make profit without charging unreasonable rates.电话公司即使没有过高收费也是可以赢利的。Banks are charging high interest rates.银行收取的利率很高。He came charging out of the starting blocks to take an early lead in the campaign.他在竞选之初就奋力前冲以赢得初步领先。The children were all charging around outside.孩子们在外面乱冲乱撞。They're soaking their customers by charging high fees for routine services.他们让顾客为常规服务支付高额费用。She says that charging high prices will keep the riff-raff out.她说高收费会把那些下等人拒之门外。They exploit consumers by charging high prices.他们通过高要价来剥削消费者。The Everton keeper needed all his courage to thwart a charging Vinny Jones in full flow.埃弗顿的守门员需要鼓足全部勇气才有可能抵挡住状态正佳的维尼·琼斯的冲锋射门。Officials are awaiting positive identification before charging the men with war crimes.在以战争罪起诉这些人以前,官员们一直在等待他们身份的核实。Many accountants offer a free consultation before charging for their work.许多会计师在工作收费之前提供免费咨询。It's not working - I don't think the battery is charging.不行呀——我觉得电池没有在充电。The police answered by charging into the crowd.作为回应,警员冲进了人群。The bull pawed the ground before charging.公牛冲刺前用力拍打地面。The waiters went around charging people's glasses ready for the toast.侍者们走来走去为大家准备干杯的酒杯斟满酒。He went charging off down the street.他顺着这条街快步走去。In an attempt to raise money, the school will begin charging admission to school concerts.为了筹钱,学校将开始对校音乐会收取入场费。The landlord may be justified in charging for any additional work that needs to be done.也许房东对需要做的额外事情收费是合情合理的。These prices are way out of line with what other stores are charging.与其他商店相比,这些价格太离谱了。The company is charging a pretty hefty premium for access to their network.该公司正在对登录其网络收取可观的额外费用。Soldiers came charging through the forest, guns at the ready.荷枪实弹的士兵穿过林区冲了上来。Battery charging systems remain basically the same as those in use half a century ago.电池充电系统和半个世纪前基本上没什么区别。I heard the sound of feet charging down the stairs.我听见急冲下楼的脚步声。Mike was charging around all day trying to get things organized.迈克整天东奔西跑,想把事情安排妥当。They cheat people by charging too much for building materials.他们通过多收建筑材料费欺骗顾客。How can you possibly justify charging four pounds for a glass of beer?你怎么解释一杯啤酒要收四英镑?The bank has continued its practice of charging late fees.银行继续实行收取滞纳金的惯常做法。




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