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词汇 a fish
例句 She felt a fish nibble at the end of her fishing line.她感觉到鱼在轻咬钓线的尾钩。I felt like a fish out of water in my new school.我在新学校里感到很不适应,就像鱼儿离开了水。Every so often a fish broke the still surface of the lake.不时地有鱼游过,打破湖面的平静。He choked to death on a fish bone.他被一根鱼刺卡死了。He ducked under and came up with a fish.他一头扎入水里,露出水面时手里拿着一条鱼。Sea snakes inject a poison so strong that it kills a fish instantly.海蛇射出的毒液毒性很强,可把一条鱼当场杀死。She had a fish impaled on the point of her spear.她矛尖上叉住了一条鱼。That cloud is shaped like a fish.那片云形如一条鱼。My uncle drinks like a fish, and has done for years.我叔叔经常狂饮,许多年来一直这样。With these people he'd feel like a fish out of water.与这些人在一起,他会感到格格不入。The Indian speared a fish.那位印第安人叉中了一条鱼。I'm quite happy really to net a fish and then let it go.网到鱼后又把它放生,我挺开心的。He choked to death when a fish bone got stuck in his throat.他因一根鱼刺卡住喉咙窒息而死。Bob makes like he's a fish blowing bubbles.鲍勃装成一条吐泡泡的鱼。The fisherman felt a bite at the end of his line and reeled in a fish.渔夫感到线尾有鱼咬钩,收绕钓线,拽起了一条鱼。She got a fish bone stuck in her throat.她嗓子里卡了一根鱼刺。The anterior part of a fish contains the head and gills.鱼的前部包括头和鳃。He felt a fish pull at his hook.他感到有鱼在咬钩。Only sketchy information exists on the stock of natural resources such as fish.人们对鱼类等自然资源的总储备量所知甚少。I felt like a fish out of water at the party because I knew no one.在这个聚会上我感到浑身不自在,因为我一个人也不认识。I'd like a fish and chips to take out,please.劳驾,我买一份煎鱼和薯条带走。If there's a fish down there he'll catch it - he's a old pro.如果下面有鱼他就能捉到—他是个老手。Simon was drinking like a fish that evening.西蒙那天晚上喝了很多酒。I'm quite happy to net a fish and then let it go.我特别喜欢用网捕到鱼后再把它放了。He was dressed in a three-piece suit with an incongruous tie shaped like a fish.他穿了三件套的西服,戴了一条极不相称的鱼形领带。He caught a fish in the net.他用网捕到一条鱼。An expert angler was casting his line and catching a fish every time.钓鱼高手每次抛钓线都能钓上鱼。He's a small-town boy who feels like a fish out of water here in the big city.他是一个小镇来的孩子,身处大都市,感觉就像离了水的鱼。The sudden tension on the line told me I had hooked a fish.钓线突然绷紧告诉我鱼上钩了。The animal has been classed as a fish by some scientists and as a reptile by others.这种动物被一些科学家归为鱼类,但被另一些科学家归为爬行动物类。He dove his hand into the tank and pulled out a fish.他猛地把手伸进鱼缸,捞出一条鱼。He felt the jerk of the line as a fish took the bait.鱼上钩时,他感到鱼线被猛地拽了一下。The line ran out into the water as a fish swallowed the hook.当鱼吞饵上钩时,钓线就被拉进水里。You are, so to speak, a fish out of water.你可以说是像离了水的鱼儿。She saw a fish start from the water.她看到一条鱼跃出了水面。The paddle of a whale and the fin of a fish are analogous.鲸的鳍状肢和鱼鳍功能相同。I think he thought of himself as a country gentleman and was like a fish out of water in Birmingham.我想他认为自己是一名乡绅,在伯明翰就如离水之鱼一般浑身不自在。You'll feel something twitch the line when you get a fish.鱼上钩时,你会感到有东西在轻轻拉钓鱼线。When he was younger he used to drink like a fish.他年轻时经常酗酒。Little Fritz's mother is not too fastidious to cut open a fish.小弗里茨的母亲没有娇气到不敢给鱼开膛破肚的地步。




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