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例句 Illicit drug use - notably marijuana - has been increasing in recent years, especially among the young.近年来使用违禁药品—特别是大麻—的人数在增加,尤其是青年人。A lot of people found my father rather formal and aloof, particularly when they first met him.许多人觉得我父亲相当严肃、冷漠,尤其是与他初次见面时。Be particularly fastidious about washing your hands before touching food.接触食物前尤其对洗手不能有半点马虎。Standing out in the sea of grey conformity is Mackay.麦凯坐落在苍茫的大海边,尤其醒目。I failed to live up to my parents’ expectations, particularly at school.我辜负了父母的期望,尤其是在学业上。Mr. Swift has a particularly fine head.斯威夫特先生的相貌尤其英俊。But social workers say that this has created a culture of dependency, particularly in urban areas.然而社会工作者认为这使得人们普遍产生了依赖,尤其是在城市地区。If you have children, this chapter is particularly relevant to you.如果您有孩子,这一章尤其与您息息相关。You need influence to get you there, especially if you're not a businessman.你需要权势帮助你获得成功,如果你不是商人就尤其如此。Foley has been particularly vocal in his criticism of the government.福利批评政府时尤其直言不讳。It had been an exceptionally difficult week.这一周尤其难熬。Doctors are reluctant to prescribe a new class of drugs, especially ones which need to be taken for long periods of time.医生不愿意开新品种的药,尤其是那些需要长期服用的药物。My dog is a little timid - especially around other dogs.我的狗有点儿胆小,尤其是在周围有其他狗的时候。Such a speech should never have been made, least of all by a so-called responsible politician.这种话本来就不应该说,尤其是不应出自一个所谓负责任的政客之口。Reservations are recommended, especially during the busy holiday weekends.建议提前预订,尤其是在周末赶上公共假期繁忙时段的时候。The winter has been unusually cold for Florida.在弗罗里达,今年冬天尤其寒冷。There aren't enough positive role models for young people today, especially for minority groups.对如今的年轻人,尤其是少数民族群体来说,缺乏正面榜样。Any experience can teach and strengthen you, but particularly the more difficult ones.任何经历都能使你从中受益并让你变得坚强,而那些比较艰难的经历尤其如此。I'm particularly interested in the linguistic development of young children.我对幼儿语言能力的发展尤其感兴趣。Most of these songs have not aged well, especially candyfloss like De Do Do Do.这些歌曲大多流传不了多久,尤其是像《嘀嘟嘟嘟》那样的口水歌。Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys, especially in April and May.尤其是在四五月份,不计其数的野花盛开,山谷里一片绚烂色彩。This TV show is especially popular among women.这个电视节目尤其受女性喜爱。Hollywood is nothing if not creative, especially if someone else will pick up the bills.好莱坞是极有创造力的地方,尤其是如果有人肯埋单的话。I'd like to see more women in public life, especially Parliament.我希望有更多的女性担任公职,尤其是议员。These injustices are intolerable, especially when the victims are children.这些非正义行为是无法容忍的,尤其当受害者是孩子时。The ersatz spontaneity of 'Sunday Love' sounds especially hollow.对《星期天的爱情》这首歌的即兴模仿听起来尤其空洞。You of all people shouldn't be calling him worthless.尤其是你最不应该说他无能。We had many things to consider, not the least of which was the safety of our children. 我们有许多事情需要考虑,尤其是孩子们的安全问题。I liked all the food, particularly the dessert.我喜欢所有的食物,尤其是甜点。All the big game congregate here, and birdlife is particularly prolific.所有的大型猎物都聚集在这里,鸟类尤其丰富。Ulnar wrist pain occurs especially during twisting movements.尺侧腕部疼痛尤其会在手腕扭动时发生。President Mubarak was particularly unfavourable to the idea.穆巴拉克总统尤其不赞同这一想法。His death is particularly regrettable because this condition could have easily been treated.他的死尤其令人遗憾,因为这种病本来是很容易治疗的。The close season is a good time to overhaul your tackle, particularly rods and poles.禁渔期是彻底检修渔具的好时机,尤其是鱼竿。I think a lot of people, women in particular, steer clear of these sensitive issues.我认为很多人,尤其是女人,会避开这些敏感问题。There is a mystique about violins, especially old violins.小提琴,尤其是古老的小提琴,常引人考究其隐秘的历史。The birds are additionally protected in the reserves at Birsay.鸟类在伯赛的保护区尤其受到保护。He was patronizing and superior with his employees, especially women.他以一种居高临下的优越态度来对待自己的员工,尤其是女员工。Everyone loved it, especially the children.人人都喜欢这东西,尤其是孩子们。Small firms in particular were hard hit by the recession.尤其是小公司受到经济衰退的严重影响。




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