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词汇 尚未
例句 I have blocked in a plan of the house but have given no details.我已画出房子的草图,但尚未标出细节。The fashion has yet to catch on in Australia.这一潮流在澳大利亚尚未风行。He has not yet committed to any of the candidates.尚未表示支持任何一个候选人。The candidate hasn't chosen a running mate yet, but some names have been bandied about.这名候选人尚未选好竞选伙伴,但有些人选已经传出来了。Things have improved, but we're not out of the mire yet.情况已经改观,但是我们尚未摆脱困境。No decision has yet been made.尚未作出决定。The country's farthest reaches had not been explored.这个国家最边远的地区尚未得到开发。This new switch mechanism hasn't been fully tested out.这种新的开关装置尚未经过充分检验。We have some unfinished business to discuss.我们有一些尚未了结的事情需要商量。The treatment has not proved feasible.尚未证明该治疗可行。They have not put their imprimatur on the veracity of this report.他们尚未认可这个报告的真实性。Before he had finished one novel, he had another on the stocks.他一本小说尚未完稿,已在进行另一本小说的写作了。 There's a cutthroat at large.有个杀人犯尚未捕获。The creditors haven't declared them in default.债权人尚未宣布他们拖欠债款。Of course, getting up in the cold before daylight took some getting used to.当然,在寒冷的日子里天尚未亮就得起床是需要一段时间才能习惯的。The underlying reason for the failure remains unknown.失败的根本原因尚未搞清。The invitations haven't gone out yet.请柬尚未寄出。Parliament today approved the policy, but it has not yet become law.议会于今天批准了这项政策,但尚未成为法律。That flight has not received clearance for landing/takeoff.那个航班尚未获准着陆/起飞。He did not have possession of the ball before he was knocked out of bounds.尚未控球就被撞出界了。The estate is not settled because the family is still feuding over the will.由于这家人仍对遗嘱争执不休,所以遗产问题尚未得到解决。The new chairman hasn't been formally appointed, but it's an open secret that it'll be Mr. Smith.新主席虽尚未正式委任,但此缺将属史密斯先生已是公开的秘密。They have yet to show that they can really deliver working technologies.他们尚未证明自己真的能够开发出实用技术。The effectiveness of the new drug has not yet been scientifically established.这种新药的效果尚未得到科学证实。The market for which they are competing is still unformed.他们角逐的市场尚未充分发展。He has done nothing out of the way yet.尚未做出不同寻常的事来。The company has yet to respond to the recent spate of lawsuits filed against it.公司尚未就最近所面临的好几个官司作出回应。She hasn't made a decision yet, and I don't know which way she's leaning.尚未做出决定,而且我不知道她倾向于用哪种方式。We must first see some real evidence. So far it has not been forthcoming.我们必须首先看到一些实实在在的证据,但到目前为止尚未看到。The senator conceded the election before all the votes were counted.全部选票尚未计算完毕,那参议员就承认竞选失败。We have not yet received the approbation of the Minister for carrying out the plan.我们尚未得到部长的批准,让我们实施该项计划。His handwriting was childish and unformed.他写的字带有孩子气,尚未定形。Those boys and girls are not yet casehardened.那些男孩和女孩们思想尚未定形。Not being a mother, I found the chit-chat exceedingly dull.尚未做人母的我觉得此种闲聊极其无趣。Although all the votes have not yet been counted, the party is preparing for the worst.尽管尚未统计完所有的选票,该党已开始做最坏的打算。Larsson has not been firing on all cylinders yet this season.拉尔森这个赛季尚未火力全开。They have not contacted me yet.他们尚未和我联系。No dismissals have been announced yet.尚未宣布有人被解雇。The warring factions have not yet turned in all their heavy weapons.交战各方尚未交出所有重型武器。They haven't totalled the exact figures.他们尚未将确切的数字相加。




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