例句 |
She painted little black dots for the clown's eyes.她画了两个小黑点,当作小丑的眼睛。The plane found the spot and hovered close enough to verify that it was a car.飞机发现了那个小黑点,就贴近着在上空盘旋,结果查明那是一辆汽车。We watched until the plane was just a dot in the sky.我们注视着飞机直到它在天空中成了一个小黑点。Tiny black spots freckled the walls.墙上出现了小黑点。She said we were nearly there, but the island was still no more than a distant smudge on the horizon.她说我们快到了,但那个岛依然只是地平线上遥远的一个小黑点。The ship became a mere dot on the horizon.轮船在地平线上成了一个小黑点。 |