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词汇 小鸟
例句 TV pictures showed a dying bird coated with oil.电视画面上出现了一只身上沾满油污、奄奄一息的小鸟Her bones felt as delicate as a bird's.她的骨头摸上去像小鸟的骨头一样纤细。With these small birds, surgery is exceedingly difficult.给这些小鸟做手术难度非常大。A bird flew in through the open window.一只小鸟从开着的窗户飞了进来。While the mother bird searches for food she has to leave her chicks alone and defenseless in the nest.鸟妈妈出去找食物时,不得不让小鸟单独无助地留在巢里。A small bird flapped its wings furiously and flew off.一只小鸟用力扑扇翅膀,向上飞去。The mother bird will feed her chicks until they are able to fly.母鸟将喂养小鸟直到它们会飞。With a rustle of wings the bird landed on the window ledge.小鸟沙沙地扇着翅膀落在窗沿上。I was woken up by a bird twittering just outside my window.一大早我就被窗外一只叽叽喳喳的小鸟弄醒了。Many small birds guide themselves by the stars, as has been verified by experiment.许多小鸟是靠星星导航的,这已被实验所证实。The little bird flew away.小鸟飞走了。They have a couple of bird feeders hanging from a pole in the backyard.他们有几个小鸟喂食器在后院的杆子上挂着。He was trying to keep out of the bird's line of sight.他企图避开小鸟的视线。The bird cocked its head.小鸟把头转向一边。As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow.两只小鸟一出壳就离开了巢穴。Before he could rescue it, the cat pounced on the bird and carried it to the bushes.他还没来得及前去相救,那只猫就一个纵身扑向小鸟,叼着它跑向树丛。New-born birds stay in their nest while their mother goes out in search of food.刚出生的小鸟留在巢里,而它们的母亲则出去觅食。The birds were singing sweetly in the trees.小鸟们在树上唱着动听的歌。The young birds haven't yet fledged.那些小鸟羽翼未丰。You can hear the birds tweeting when you walk into the garden.你走进花园就可以听到小鸟的鸣叫声。We used to snare small birds such as sparrows and robins.我们过去常常用罗网捕捉麻雀、知更鸟等小鸟A few birds were tweeting in the trees.几只小鸟在树上叽叽喳喳地叫着。The young feed on regurgitated food from the parent birds.小鸟靠父母反胃吐出的食物哺养。The birds in the trees are singing away.树上的小鸟在不停地歌唱。The chirps of the small garden birds sounded distant.远处传来庭园小鸟的鸣啭。Look at all the little birdies.看,这么多小鸟The chirps of the small garden birds sounded distant.远处传来花园中小鸟的啁啾声。She loosed the bird from the cage.她把小鸟放出笼子。Our downhill birdie putts accelerated past the hole on the fast surface.我们下山的小鸟推杆加速越过了快速面上的球洞。We saved a few crusts of bread for the birds.我们留下一些面包皮喂小鸟The nest held three vigorous young birds.这窝里有三只活泼的小鸟The bird hopped across the lawn, keeping a sharp lookout all the while.小鸟在草坪上跳来跳去,一直保持着高度警惕。The older boy loved to kill small things like birds and mice.年龄大些的男孩很喜欢弄死诸如小鸟和老鼠这样的小东西。The birds cling to the wall and nibble at the brickwork.小鸟们紧贴在墙壁上,啄着砖墙。Two birds huddled in a niche between the trunk and branch of a tree.两只小鸟挤在树干和树枝之间的凹处。The bird was enclosed in such a small space that it could not turn without bending its tail.小鸟被关在这么狭小的空间里,不弯一下尾巴的话,都转不过身来。A little bird was bobbing its head up and down.一只小鸟把头上下快速摆动著。A small bird fluttered past the window.一只小鸟拍打着翅膀飞过窗前。The little birds are caught in nets stretched between the trees.这些小鸟落入了树木间张开的网里。The bird was trying to find food for its brood.鸟儿在为牠的一窝小鸟觅食。




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