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Outside there was a little front garden with a rockery.屋外面有个点缀着一座假山的小花园。There is a delightful little garden behind the house.房子后面有个漂亮的小花园。He led us through a gate into a little garden.他领着我们穿过一扇门进入了一个小花园。Small gardens can be high maintenance.小花园可能需要耗费很多精神打理。Opposite its gates were the small, railed gardens.每扇大门对面都有一片装了围栏的小花园。There's a small garden at the back.后边有座小花园。A fireworks display in a small London garden is an emasculate thing.在伦敦的一个小花园中进行烟火表演效果会大打折扣。Small gardens can be high-maintenance.小花园可能更需要经常打理。At the back there was a small garden with a fishpond in the middle.后面有个小花园,花园中央有个鱼池。There was a small garden in front of the house.房子前面有座小花园。I've landscaped my tiny front yard with tall grasses.我用了一些高大的草来美化屋前的小花园。The landscape bore a superficial resemblance to England's green and pleasant land, and each house had a small suburban garden.那景色表面上像英格兰绿意融融的大地,每一栋房子都带一座有城郊特点的小花园。The garden was my father's pride and joy, the real expression of his creativity.那个小花园是我父亲的快乐和骄傲,真正表现了他的创造力。Planning a small garden is often difficult.设计一个小花园常常很困难。 |