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Sing those bars an octave lower.那几个小节用低八度唱。The drummer gave a four-bar intro before the other musicians joined in.鼓手打了一个四小节引子,然后其他的乐手才开始加入。In a few short paragraphs, the characters start into life.短短的几小节文字,人物就活起来了。He placed his fingers on the keys and played a few measures.他把手指放到键盘上演奏了几个小节。The band began playing the opening measures.乐队开始演奏开头几个小节。The first violin plays the first two bars of the canon's melody.首席小提琴手演奏了卡农曲旋律的开头两小节。Can you hum a few measures of that song?那首歌你能哼几小节吗?The book is divided into chapters, sections and subsections.这本书划分了章、节和小节。Hum the first bars and see if it jogs my memory.哼一哼开头几个小节,看我能不能想起来。She played a few bars on the piano.她在钢琴上弹了几个小节。The poem has six stanzas.这首诗有六小节。He vamped a few bars on the piano while she sang.她演唱时,他在钢琴上弹了几小节作即席伴奏。 |